Requesting slight help with magic
Old 01-28-2009, 12:44 PM   #1
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Default Requesting slight help with magic

Hi all!

I'm making an archer and was curious about the types of magic I should focus on. I don't want to be spread too thin, so any advice or opinions on the matter would be appreciated.

Should I go healing, or mezzes and stuns, or dots, or dd? There's so many options and that's what makes this game awesome

Thanks for your time.
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Old 01-28-2009, 01:55 PM   #2
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In my oppinion, best thing for all classes to start off with
(excluding casters)

Will be an even mixture of DOT's and Heals
maybe some mana/energy replinishes, and a few cantrips.
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Old 01-28-2009, 02:06 PM   #3
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Old 01-28-2009, 02:08 PM   #4
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I agree with Relic. To start you don't want DD (direct damage) gems over the DoT (Damage over time) gems. The DoT gems give you guaranteed amount of damage, which is favourable to random amounts. The gaia gems (green) are quite helpful as they do not cost you any mana or energy. They don't heal for huge amounts but they stay up and continue to heal forever (or until you/the monster/your internet dies).

Having a couple white magic heals is ok too.

So basically you could just level all life magics and be ok heal wise. Then also Death for attacks. Though you may find blue and grey to be useful later in life.....

omg i wanna sammich nao
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Old 01-28-2009, 02:54 PM   #5
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There are three lines of healing gems that are quite useful for physical damage characters early on -
Gaia's Blessing requires no mana or energy, and heals for a small amount every 9 seconds, as long as it is in one of your active slots. Rank 1 requires just one point in Green Magic, and is available in Castille, the first town.
Sylvain Restoration requires only a small amount of mana, and heals for a small amount every 5 seconds, as long as it is in one of your active slots. Rank 1 requires just two points in Green Magic, and is available in Castille, the first town.
Gradual Repair requires only a small amount of energy, and heals for a modest amount every 11 seconds, as long as it is in one of your active slots. Rank 1 requires just two points in White Magic, and is available in Castille, the first town.

Other than that, you might get some good use out of damage over time gems. Raise your Cnc rather than your Int if you go that route. They have the same effect on your archery damage, but Cnc will help keep your DoT gems from being resisted. Cnc also helps if you decide to use blue "disabler" gems.

Once you get more pouch slots, the various cantrip gems might be useful, to help you to draw into your continuous healing gems. Good luck with your archer!
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Old 01-28-2009, 05:05 PM   #6
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I beg to differ on some of the points made in the above posts.

INT will be important to you as the bow is where most of your damage will be dealt. If you are going to go solo, then the spells you will require will primary be healing (which cannot be resisted), auras for damage reduction and damage reflection, damage barriers/mana ramparts and shielding auras.

I'd start with getting the healing gems as suggested before, and either go for damage reflection aura (if a free account) or thorns/damage reduction aura (if you have 5 or 6 slots available). All these cost nothing to use, and don't require CNC to be levelled at all (more to put into INT for maximum bow damage).

The problem with bows is the amount of varying damage you can do with an attack, so to balance out the average damage, you need to keep yourself alive as long as possible for that big tri-critical hit shot.
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Old 01-28-2009, 06:01 PM   #7
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I was under the impression that a point in Int and a point in Cnc had identical effects on archery damage. If that is not the case, then yes, you should focus strictly on Aura and passive healing gems, and raise Int and Cnc in whatever proportion is best for damage. Maximizing bow damage is your priority. If it -is- the case that the two stats have identical effects on bow damage, then there's no real reason to ever raise Int instead of Cnc.
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Old 02-03-2009, 11:11 AM   #8
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Int and Cnc both work like Str for Bows, the average of the two stats is used so you can train just Cnc, just Int, or both of them evenly.

Train Cnc is you will use DoTs or status effect gems (Stun, Daze, Taunt, etc...) as this will make them less likely to be resisted.

Train Int if you plan on using Direct Damage gems, as this will improve the likelihood that they deal max damage.

As an archer, though, damaging the mob should come easily enough just through your bow, so as far as magics are concerned, this is my suggestion:

White/Green/Blue. Use Direct and Gradual Heals from white magic, Gradual heals and Invigorating gems from Green, and Balance and Manaburst gems from Blue (and perhaps taunt if you fight in groups, and need to take some of the heat off party members).
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Old 02-03-2009, 02:18 PM   #9
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I agree with Chrism on most but I would put emphasis on grey as well as blue for the resist gems. I have an alt that uses White/Green and Blue/Grey. All of them are heal or resists with the exception of Bleeding and Poison gems.
Also, I distribute every level, for Magic, with two into INT and one into CNC. Has proven to be great for me and have been able to solo up to N. Pass boss. Thusfar, anyway...only level 21 at the moment.
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