Hunt zones/ Non Hunt zones
Old 06-16-2008, 12:00 AM   #1
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Default Hunt zones/ Non Hunt zones

k so in my hunting travels I have noticed not all zones are huntable

so here's a breakdown of whats huntable and whats not (so far) if you see a zone i dont have down and know if its huntable or not, please post

thank you

Hunt Zones:
travellers way
spruce woods
halcyon river
north dread mountains
obsidian swamp (thanks doug forgot to put it up)

Non Hunt Zones:
south passage
south dread mountains
north passage
active volcano

Made by Nikki

Last edited by Archer of Crosis; 06-16-2008 at 11:31 AM..
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Old 06-16-2008, 12:45 AM   #2
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Very nice. What's your hunting at, by the way? Do you notice different prey at different zones? Do you still see those damn mongoose in the higher level zones?

I'm just guessing, but from what I've seen, I *think* the kinds of prey you can catch are based on the zone you're in, and your skill. Like, you can't catch high level prey in low level zones, and you can't catch high level prey if your hunting isn't high enough. You'd have to have both to be able to catch a certain type.

Do your findings back up my theory at all?
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Old 06-16-2008, 05:00 AM   #3
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your right camli glitchless posted somewhere that the lvl of stuff you gain while gathering resources depends on the lvl of you kill but there is a max lvl to what you can get in each zone you can get it
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Old 06-16-2008, 08:08 AM   #4
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the obsidian swamp is a hunting area
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:30 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Camli
Very nice. What's your hunting at, by the way? Do you notice different prey at different zones? Do you still see those damn mongoose in the higher level zones?

I'm just guessing, but from what I've seen, I *think* the kinds of prey you can catch are based on the zone you're in, and your skill. Like, you can't catch high level prey in low level zones, and you can't catch high level prey if your hunting isn't high enough. You'd have to have both to be able to catch a certain type.

Do your findings back up my theory at all?
my hunting is nearly 9 and i get mongooses in every zone, so far ive only been able to get Quad Horns and Bison in the rock lands, north dread mountains and obsidian swamp. So no hun sorry, but seems like those mongooses plague every zone no matter what your hunting level is, i just hit exit if i see one.

Made by Nikki
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