lost learning skill level
Old 06-14-2008, 04:33 AM   #1
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Default lost learning skill level

well i noticed this a few days ago , i had made 3 chars at the same time and I have been leveling their learning skills evenly

all of their learning skills match perfectly except on one char that has 1 less level in active learning. i'm not sure how or exactly when it happened but the one char missed out on a level.

not sure if thats helpful at all but it looks like there is potential of bug there that could reoccur on other accounts with passive gains.

screenie included

*edit* i'm thinking this happened a few weeks back when i hadn't logged on the chars for over a week.
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Old 06-14-2008, 01:41 PM   #2
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Due to the way experience is penalized for training skills over your current level the size of the chunks of time in between when you log on your character could effect passive experience gains slightly. All 3 characters would always need to be logged on at the exact same time to ensure matching skills.
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