vampires |
06-13-2008, 11:08 AM
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It says they gain 5% of the hitpoints they deal in melee combat, yet i don't gain anything after an attack, don't know if i'm not a high enough level or what the issue is, i was under the impression it worked no matter what level or skills you have. I don't deal more than 10 damage yet, so i dunno if that is the case or not?
06-13-2008, 11:14 AM
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Archer of Crosis is offline
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yes, you have to deal at least 10 dmg to leach any of the enemies HP. This leached amount can be increased by raising not only melee , but by raising class enhancement, and later on class specialization.
06-13-2008, 11:15 AM
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so basicly the higher the damage the more you steal
06-14-2008, 08:43 AM
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exactly doc
06-15-2008, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Optic
I think to make it more enjoyable at lower levels w/o making us buy weapons with poor accuracy to use our inate class ability, there should be a damage calculator.
If I do 2 + 3 + 4 + 2 damage = 11, on that attack where i cross 15, i should heal for one.
As it stands you leach 1 at 10 and 2 and 30. Im assuming this is because .05*10 = .5 and is rounded up.
you're wrong on the equation
my boyfriend has a vampire and leeches 4-8 from doing 30-70 dmg.
you have to do at least 10 dmg in ONE HIT to leech at least 0 points, ya ive seen him leech 0, by raising melee and class enhancement you raise the percentage of a chance to leech greater hitpoints.
06-15-2008, 05:34 PM
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hmm i see tht sounds weird though nwo understand y vampires cant use bow and arrow
06-27-2008, 08:44 AM
Vamps are gonna be so good at high levels
06-27-2008, 08:49 AM
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vamps would probably be very good with a high damage weapon and a lot of dex and dur as that seems to be there main things they need at the moment to maximize the effect of there class bonus perhaps they also need some str also
secondly they can also be potent spell casters due to the fact that with a staff they can get a lot of bonus to gems that could make them extremely powerfull if the fill mana only using gems in pouch and lvl cnc and mst up there
07-08-2008, 04:44 PM
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Vamps are actually a great race. They are flexible with stats with only one negative stat (5% in magic) and steal Hitpoints with a staff or melee weapon. With a staff from Stronghad, that deals 3-17 damage, you can leech while casting spells early on. (On a side note, there is also a 30 staff that deals 11-54 damage, ensuring a leech every time) The spells would be easier to use, seeing as a staff lowers the cost of them. As spellcasters, all you need in melee is dexterity to make sure you hit. A little strength doesn't hurt, but at low levels you won't be able to leech more than 1 HP anyways. Energy is important to cast spells more frequently, but with a staff it's much easier to ignore a bit. In defense durability helps stay alive, Cnt and Agi are more difficult to balance but you will need it to dodge and get hurt by spells less. Recovery in my opinion is only usefull when you have a high Combat Recovery skill. As a spellcaster you should have some white magic, with red and black spells, as you can heal and attack at the same time, using both mana and energy efficiently.
Now, as a melee fighter. Currently i am using slashing weapons, just because the ones i see are a little faster. Another good reason is to get it to 34, In stronhad there is a one handed skeletal hatchet that deals 7-54 damage. Leaving a nice place for a shield compared to the 2-handed piercing/crushing weapons.
As far as stats go, in Melee Str and Dex are all i put points into. Later at higher levels, however, i may decide to put some in PSt for energy gems, but thats pretty dumb. Because in Magic, you don't need Int, or Cnc, only MSt, Mana. That way, all you have to level for magic skills is Sorcery, and White magic. With the white DOT's (Damage Over Time) you can still hurt your opponent while also attacking. Also with high White magic, you are able to heal yourself in battle and use aura gems, lessening damage taken. With Uptick, you heal 14 HP for 27 Mana. With all your magic skills going into mana, you are able to heal yourself more often, and survive a lot longer than planned. Now with that out of the way, in Defense you need to keep all stats fairly even. Why? Because as a fighter you need Blocking, and Parry. Those stats are based off of your Agi. Cnt is needed because enemies cast hurtfull spells that with low Impedance, will leave you crying. And Dur is needed because why have low HP?
So basically a Vamp Caster needs Dexterity, Int, Cnc, Cnt, Agi. A few points can go into Str, Mana, Dur, and Energy.
Skills for the Caster includes, but not limited to, Diabolism-Black/Red Magic-Staves....Sorcery-White Magic-Mental conservation....Impedance-Parry-Suiting... And whatever else you want.
A Vamp Fighter needs Str, Dex, Dur, Cnt, Agi, Mana. A few points can go into Energy.
Skills for the Fighter includes, but not limited to, Either Slashing/Piercing/Crushing-Crit Strike-Overcrit, and perhaps two-handed....Suiting-Blocking-Parry....Sorcery-White magic... And whatever else you want.
And yes, of course Class Enhancement is needed for both characters, but there is a skill that increases it more than that after level 20, leaving it in the dust.
Actually I don't know what helps makes the Staves hit more frequently and for more damage, Think it's Str and Dex though like slashing weapons?
07-10-2008, 12:19 PM
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Just found out you can use whips also to leech life. Excellent if you want to use a pet for more damage, but with that comes more skills you have to raise in Beast Mastery. Pretty much everything in Beast Mastery must go up to take full advantage of whips and pets. Not really a big fan of pets myself, or whips. With pets, DOT spells, and whips, there would rarely be a time when the opponent ISN'T being damaged somehow. You can also use white magic and heal yourself along with your pets. If you can do it and have like a million hours to waste i think you would be a formidable opponent.
08-27-2008, 11:33 AM
this may be a zombie thread but i must add one thing to those vampires magic leach no life
08-27-2008, 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by stevebat
this may be a zombie thread but i must add one thing to those vampires magic leach no life
08-27-2008, 02:50 PM
lemme rephrase that:
spells do not leach life for vampires
08-27-2008, 03:44 PM
I don't think that has much to do with the topic being discussed here, we know that health leeching comes from melee damage.
06-04-2011, 11:00 AM
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Vampires CA should be sparkle. And cause blind.
06-05-2011, 12:29 PM
LOL until i saw the date i was going to rip soul thrift apart lmao, almost everything he said is wrong, i think :P
06-05-2011, 03:09 PM
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xcasterx is offline
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Originally Posted by Melusinenyxie
Vampires CA should be sparkle. And cause blind.
Pro idea, though it should cause teenage girls to go crazy for 5 minutes, that would pwn daer in arena.
06-05-2011, 07:40 PM
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02-22-2012, 03:49 PM
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hotshot64 is offline
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Why don't vampires sparkle in Nod?
Your comprehensive source for Nodiatis calculators and information.
02-23-2012, 12:11 PM
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Darkdingus is offline
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Originally Posted by hotshot64
Why don't vampires sparkle in Nod?
They'd be Peekays that always flash. I call that a hidden nerf.
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