Server hiccup and rollback |
04-06-2020, 10:10 AM
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Server hiccup and rollback
So... server seems to rollback and reload randomly, my AD skill was 7,223,258 and after a server reset it went back to 4,979,067.
This is what it was after tropies: https://prnt.sc/ru5a71
And this is what happened after rollback/server restart/whateveritwas: https://prnt.sc/ru5bmo
Previous to this hiccup i has just nommed a batch of FONR trophies. Please fix and gimme skill back 
Last edited by Claudia; 04-06-2020 at 10:15 AM..
04-06-2020, 10:13 AM
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xaivia is offline
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I lost 5 tcs, 10 t30 vegetables, 41 t30 wood, a fang spear tp and (I think) 12 t30 ore??? Due to having recently traded it before the crash. It isn't on either of my accounts.
04-06-2020, 10:19 AM
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And here's a screenshot of the trade log of them toffies i ate that were so yummy
And the exp is nowhere to be found 
04-06-2020, 10:19 AM
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xaivia is offline
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1676Grindr: Traded 0g to Epididymis for 0g, 41 Fireheart Stump, 10 Slug Tuber, 1 Fang Spear of Conjuration }I{ Consumable Recipe, 12 Livmalign Ore, 5 Time Card Date: 4/6/2020 10:06:30 Prm Days: 7.36051 Std Days: 0 TCs: 5
none of it is in my inventory/storage
04-06-2020, 10:22 AM
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can confirm I was leveling up a skill as well, and a couple of fights I've been having at Dead Coast, the EXP I've gotten went back, and two of the three kills that I did for my storage poofed
Mind you Dead coast is high-end, so i'm losing a lot. The server has rolled back at least 3 times in the past 30 minutes, and my potion timer keeps going down.
What is happening? when will we be able to safely do anything? I don't wanna get a t30 drop or something and it poof, or lose a bunch of high-value
stuff like Sphincter did
04-06-2020, 10:29 AM
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Oh and i traded stuff after i found trophies on alt, screenshot of duplictaed trade log: https://prnt.sc/ru5im9
And after another reset, my AD skill is still high up there, but i gor trophies on alt that traded them... this is getting very weird
Updated trade log, i basically got to trade twice the same stuff, exp stayed after latest reset: https://prnt.sc/ru5saz
Last edited by Claudia; 04-06-2020 at 10:39 AM..
04-06-2020, 11:04 AM
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Lakki is offline
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It appears to me we didn't have the non-stop server rollback issues to start happening until the recent change with the Active Exp exploit fix.
Wouldn't taking the game back to the point before that, and re-addressing the active exp exploit fix be the solution to the problem? Perhaps that could be whats causing the server to take a poop?
Just a guess
04-06-2020, 11:09 AM
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Darklords is offline
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14696Darklords: Traded 0g, 1 Time Card, 1 Time Card, 1 Time Card, 1 Time Card to Darklordssss for 0g Date: 4/6/2020 10:44:05 Prm Days: 1157.41 Std Days: 1157.41 TCs: 50
682Darklordssss: Traded 0g to Darklords for 0g, 1 Time Card, 1 Time Card, 1 Time Card, 1 Time Card Date: 4/6/2020 10:44:05 Prm Days: 83.1455 Std Days: 0 TCs: 4
682Darklordssss: Traded 1g to Darklords for 0g Date: 4/6/2020 11:08:54 Prm Days: 83.1283 Std Days: 0 TCs: 0
The rollback goblin ate my tcs!
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