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Arena Season 25 Begun. Gatherer CA Fix, Enchanting Rod Stacking
Old 01-10-2020, 03:05 AM   #1
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Default Arena Season 25 Begun. Gatherer CA Fix, Enchanting Rod Stacking

The Gatherer CA was found to be penetrating all immunities and resists, which is not consistent behavior with other CAs and effects. It will now be properly effected by CC immunity and CC resists, and it will have its duration increased to 2 seconds for balance purposes. Not enough to make anyone reroll Gatherer for PvP, but this will keep this change from being a flat nerf. The description will not be changed until the next client patches are necessary.

Note that during the course of investigating the Gatherer bug report, the most complicated Nodiatis mechanics thread needed to be updated with more precise info that differentiates between a) color-based resists and b) immunities and effect-specific resists, particularly when it comes to AoE casts. It also now explains when the "you cannot protect yourself from yourself" clause comes into play, and some other caveats. Enjoy:

The enchanting rod (and other crafting containers) will do a much nicer job of providing you with stacks in the sizes that you can handle.
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