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Clan Battles, World PvP, and Player Killing Guide
Clan War/Clan Battles
-You are safe from clan battles if you are not in any clans that are in active wars or are aligned. You are also safe if you are ranked below Soldier, but you won't have access to runes. Clans choose to be aligned Valiant or Malevolent (rather than the default which is Neutral) because they can gain the territory and dominance required to activate runes faster that way using the Earthscorcher and Faithkeepers adventuring skills.
-If you are on the same square outside of town as someone who is in a clan that is opposing one your clans in alignment or at war, their face will flash yellow. You can force a Clan Battle on them, and vice versa, provided they are not more than 10 levels below your level.
-The winner of a clan battle will be able to loot a single stack of trophies. They will also score territory and dominance for their clan in this manner.
-Losers of clan battles are immune to being forced into another clan battle for up to 4 hours, depending on their Guerilla Warfare skill.
Player Killer (PK) Main Points
-You are safe from player forced combat if you are under level 20, or in a town, or use the log out button to completely log out.
-By sacrificing a Bouquet of Orchids (if level 80+) or Bouquet of Roses (if level <80) in the mouth of a burning volcano, you cross over to the dark side and become a PK permanently until killed by a player. If you are a talented player, this can be a very profitable thing to do prior to a reroll.
-PKs will steal all non-town trophies (even soulbound ones, though 2/3 are destroyed), all non-town small/medium nuggets, and a fraction of the gold you are currently carrying. More details can
be found in the fine details section. Half the gold/nuggets stolen are kept by the PK, the other half goes toward increasing the bounty on their head. Besides trophies and small/medium nuggets, there is no other item looting.
-If you get killed by a PK you cannot be attacked by another PK until you consume another 12 hours of rested time, so you can level without fear. This immunity is lost if you attack a PK.
-You can attack and kill a PK without becoming one yourself. Doing so is a valiant deed and if you manage to kill one, you will receive all their current gold, small/med nuggets, trophies, and their gold bounty. The bounty begins at 5 million (if 80+) or 1.25 million (if not) and goes up as the PK steals gold from victims. Players who kill PKs are known as PKKs, but this is just a label and has no effect on your character.
-If a PK dies to a player, they lose all gold and all non-Legendary combat skills, returning them to level 1. They don't lose items except for all their non-town trophies.
-PKs get 3x the experience and trophy drops of normal players provided they have had a unique and viable* kill since the last server 06:00 reload. This does not stack with Reroller's Boon bonuses but it does stack with all other effects such as the Acceleration Upgrade.
-PKs CAN join groups but only with other PKs. When grouped, PKs are no longer eligible for the 3x experience and trophy bonus unless they are crazy enough to be controlling all the characters themself.
-Reroller's Boon is activated on PK death.
Player Killer (PK) Fine Details
-There is no PK redemption and PKs can't reroll. Being a PK is permanent, however, flashing red is temporary. PKs enter the red flashing state after being involved in player forced combat (not duels, clan battles, arenas, or beasts). Flashing red lasts for 5 minutes after being involved in any forced combat or 30 minutes after killing a player or forcing combat on them. You can not log off or enter town while flashing red.
-When a PK kills a player they will steal all their non-town trophies, non-town small/medium nuggets, and some gold. This gold amount is based on the level of the player killed. Some approximate level/gold values: 20/1620, 40/50k, 60/400k, 80/1660k, 90/3m. This amount can be no more than 25% of what the victim is carrying at the time and is reduced progressively further if the highest victim level (in group) is more than 5 levels below the highest PK level. Half of the stolen gold/nuggets are kept by the PK (unless victim has a free account, then it's destroyed), the other half is added to their bounty.
-There is no limit to a player's bounty or the amount of small/medium nuggets to be stolen. Small/medium nuggets are auto converted to gold, then as much of that total gold as possible will be awarded in the form of gold nuggets worth 10 million gold each and the rest is received in normal carried gold.
-If you kill a PK, it doesn't matter if you are one yourself or not. You are treated as if you were not, thus you get full bounty and your bounty does not increase and your PK status remains the same as it was before.
-Just like in a reroll a PK who dies keeps Learning, Crafting, Artistry, Resourcefulness, Adventuring, Social and LG skills. They should not lose any non-trophy items, but all equipment and gems are unequipped and sent to inventory/storage. If no room exists, some items will be destroyed. They are then cleansed of PK status. This is not a reroll, but it will record your maximum exp amount and give Reroller's boon. You can then do an actual reroll at this point if you wish to change your class.
-All PKs start with protection from being forced into combat by both other PKs and normal players by a level restriction of +/- 5 levels. If a PK forces combat on a player more than 5 levels below their own level, their range of protection will be permanently expanded to +/- 10 levels. If they force combat on someone more than 10 levels below their own level or are grouped with fellow PKs during forced player combat then they permanently become fair game to all level players. There now is an exception to level restrictions that allows people who have been PKed to have Revenge, see below.
-Your level range restriction prevents you as a PK from being forced by anyone who is in a group with players outside that level range. They cannot circumvent this by forcing and inviting since you can't join groups when in combat.
-There is a toggle under Filters and Status Options called "Force Combat on All Grouped Players" that if off will prevent you as a PK from forcing combat on someone who is grouped with other players who are outside your level range. If you have it toggled on, you will not be prevented, but you will still receive a notification as you force combat on the person that they are grouped with others outside your level range.
This level restriction is also forfeit if the PK has any combat skills other than the 4 main stat skills leveled more than 20 above their own level while involved in forced player combat. Similarly, players who have combat skills leveled more than 20 above their own level are not be able to force combat on level restricted PKs.
-There are no longer any skill restrictions. PKs can overskill as much as they like and use LG items.
-A player who has been forced into combat and PKed will be allowed to force combat on that PK in the future regardless of level restrictions, ie they can level up and seek Revenge. If the PK manages to kill them, then their Revenge has been foiled and they cannot force the PK again. If the PK merely escapes, then they can continue to force them.
-PKs must have a standard or premium account to force combat.
-If, while flashing red, a PK dies in any manner other than being killed by a player, their exact location will be revealed and they will not return to town.
-You will not be able to force combat on a PK unless you are carrying at least 4x the amount of gold listed above for your level. This is to prevent the cowardly act of hunting PKs without risk.
-PKs cannot reduce their level. If you become a PK, your level will become--and never go below--whatever the maximum level your character has reached since its last reroll. For instance, if you hit level 68, deleveled to 65, and then go PK, you will be level 68. You can untrain and reorganize main stat skills, but you would never go below level 68 again until death. -
PK levels now work the same as everyone else and they can reduce their level by 3 by untraining.
-For the purpose of the tops lists, PK credit (getting player kills) and PKK credit (killing PKs) will be awarded for unique and viable* kills based on the level of those killed. PKK credit will be kept during rerolls. PK credit will reset when you die as a PK to only record your maximum successful PK streak.
-The bounty, on the other hand, is always collected by the killer of the PK. The kill does not need to be unique or viable. Whomever kills the PK will collect the bounty regardless of clan membership, IP history, or account ownership, which means when a PK is satisfied with the amount of gold stolen and bounty achieved, he can die to one of his own characters to collect the bounty for even greater profit.
-PKs cannot escape death to another player by dying to creatures or in some other manner. If they die out of combat or to a creature or when combat ends when they are in a victorious PK group, they are revived to 1 health and a global message announces their location.
-PKs cannot trade away gold or use the Auction House while flashing red, and PKs cannot trade items to nonPKs unless that item is located in a town.
-Escaping combat happens on the global cooldown, and you cannot move again until that 1.5s is up, regardless of your mounted companions. Having a mounted companion may prevent someone from being able to click your face before you are gone during normal square movement, but not immediatley after an escape, provided they are ready and waiting.
-Clan battling is not possible when PKs are involved.
*Unique and viable means a player who is not in the same clan, has no shared IP address history with PK, and that they have not killed recently based both on time and a rolling list of previously killed players. This is to help prevent abuse of killing friendlies in safer, remote locations specifically for the bonus.
Player Killer (PK) Takeaways
-Dying as a PK is similar to a paid reroll, except that you also retain your items that are equipped. It may be a fun and lucractive thing to do prior to a planned reroll.
-If savvy, being a PK can be both profitable and good for more quickly advancing a character who does not yet have enough exp for a proper long-term Reroller's Boon.
-You can PK with elite gear without losing it.
-Mid-level PKing is viable, but you will not be able to grossly overpower your character for its level and use LG gear due to skill level restrictions noted above. Likewise, other players who have grossly out-leveled their skills to equip gear far beyond their level will not be able to attack you.
-You can now PK with elite gear and retain your level restriction. The players you kill will have the opportunity to level up and get a single stab at Revenge, however>
-The longer a PK lives and racks up the kills, the more profitable it will be to hunt them due to their growing bounty.
-Killing a skilled PK is difficult and requires either luck or cooperative tactics. Initiating combat on a player who is on the move, depending on their movement speed, may be difficult unless you are already at the square prior to them and that they encounter a creature when they land on your square. You can then CTRL click their face to immediately force combat. They can then escape their creature combat prior to your combat initiating, putting them on their previous square (see the notes above about how escape delay differs from typical movement delay), where you must have someone lying in wait to force combat again. For this reason, the only way to successfully hunt a saavy PK with high movement speed may require the cooperation of many players, some chasing and able to taunt (otherwise they can escape your PVP combat), and others ready to catch them on the escape square. Taunt will not be necessary for them, since escape is not possible from an escape square. Other tactics could include baiting the PK to attack a taunting character while others are nearby to reinforce.
Player Killer (PK) Tips
-Have a highly leveled mounted companion to reduce movement speed. This is almost essential for rapid movement to avoid being easily forced into combat.
-If farming 3x experience is your goal, do your daily PK during times when people are less likely to want to cooperate to hunt you such as during a beast (no, not on the beast square). Then run and hide until you stop flashing red. Then farm in low a population area.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)