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v2.253 New LG Classes, Gatherer Mod, Minor Fixes
Old 12-10-2019, 01:50 AM   #1
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Default v2.253 New LG Classes, Gatherer Mod, Minor Fixes

You will need an updated client after this patch is released or you will have incorrect icons/effects display during battle.

7 New Legendary Classes

Legendary classes can only be chosen as primary (they can never be secondary) and when rerolling from level 90.


Magic was not always known to exist, or at least not in any controllable fashion. Those who first learned to curate it were members of a clandestine society who abstained from all things frivolous. To them, even the act of speaking - especially to an outsider - was considered wasteful. Arcanists pay homage to this ancient society. If you hear one speak, it may be because your death is near at hand. Arcanists have a 5% (up to 15% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to DD gem max damage, 4% (up to 12%) bonus to DoT damage, 5% (up to 15%) hitpoint vampirism from their DD gems, and 3% (up to 9%) damage mitigation, but all only when a staff is equipped.

Flow of Vivacity - Instantly fills the mana and energy of your entire group to maximum. 7 minute cooldown.


Far more beast than man, the werecougar is a ferocious and remorseless predator. With stealth that is second to none, the crunch of their own skull is typically the last thing their victims ever hear. Werecougars have 6% (up to 18% with class-enhancing skills) hitpoint vampirism with all melee, ranged, pet, and DD gem attacks, a 4% (up to 12%) chance to double cast red, black, and grey gems, and a 10% (up to 30%) chance to slice with all melee attacks. Werecougars also have a 4% (up to 12%) resistance to all colored magic effects based on contravention.

Drowned in Blood - doubles all foes’ current bleeding rate and amount (maximum of 10k extra damage) to quadruple ticking damage. 6 minute cooldown.

White Knight

White Knights are the high-principled defenders of moral righteousness. They seek to vanquish evil by protecting those of lesser means from the slightest of injustices. With public displays of supreme virtue, they will stamp their feet with endless vigor and demand that their arbitrary code of ethics be upheld. White Knights have a 4% (up to 12% with class-enhancing skills) block and parry bonus, a 5% (up to 15% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to all white magic effects, but a 10% penalty to charisma. White Knights can also use resurrection gems at any level.

Fist of Supreme Virtue - Revives and cleanses all DoTs, mezes, dazes, and blinds off everyone - enemies included. 3 minute cooldown.


Berserkers are relentless combatants who attack with no regard for their own well-being. Their recklessness makes them feared by all, even their allies. They refuse the use of shields, quivers, and anything two handed. They have an 11% (up to 33% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to min and max melee damage. Their wild and unrestrained attack style has the rare, but occasional, consequence of striking a friend by mistake.

Bloodfyre - Overtaken by rage, you gain an extra 33% chance of scoring critical melee strikes for 10 seconds, but can only be used after 1 minute of combat. 5 minute cooldown.


Life is a game to some. To the jester it is a joke. Their cynicism has taken them so deep that all they can do in spite of their antipathy is laugh...and not out of humor. Jesters have a 1.667% (up to 5% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to red, green, white, blue, grey, and black gem effects; to melee, ranged, and pet min and max damage; to hitpoint vampirism and chance to hit with all attacks; to gem draw speed, damage mitigation, parry, and all colored magic resistance; and to all experience gains and gold found in chests.

Disarmament - Delays the gem draws, casts, and attacks of all parties for up to 10 seconds if foe, 8 seconds if friend. 6 minute cooldown.


Shake hands with the trickshot and you will notice nothing strange about his grip, yet watch his hand in motion and you will swear he has more fingers than five. Only later will you notice that you have less coins in your pocket than before your encounter. Masters of dexterous acts, trickshots have a 7% (up to 21% with class-enhancing skills, not affected by multiattack buffs) chance to double shoot with any ranged attack that fails to be a trishot. They can also kite with full effectiveness vs. two handed weapons, direct damage gems, and even DoT gems.

Ignited Pitch - A burning arrow sets flame to the hidden substance under the feet of your target, dealing intense burning damage and reducing their chance to hit with all attacks and gems by 50% for 10 seconds. 4 minute cooldown.


Never seen during the day and nearly invisible in the dark, Prowlers are a majestic and mysterious breed. Some say they worship the cats of the night...others say they have become them. And as the skystar descends, all fear their presence amidst the besetting shadows. Prowlers have a 3% (up to 9% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to pet max damage, a 10% (up to 30%) bonus to pet max healing, a 6% (up to 18%) bonus to whip max damage, and a 7% (up to 21%) extra chance to hit with melee, ranged, and pet attacks. Prowlers also take 25% (up to 75%) less disease and plague shock damage.

Blinding Claw - Attacks all enemies for high damage and blinds them for up to 6 seconds. Deals more damage if only one target is available and even more if they are already blind. 5 minute cooldown.

Gatherer Mod

The Gatherer LG class will now have "a 0% to 13.333% (up to 0-40% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to the amount of resources collected" as opposed to having a 7% (up to 21%) chance of a second attempt at resourcing.

The Gatherer can also use their LG ability now without a valid enemy target to make use of the friendly portion.

Minor Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where update request rate was reduced too much with game in the background.

Fixed an issue where you would get a corrupted packet warning when logging out.

Fixed an issue with autorelog causing repeated failed logins and triggering Captchas.

Fixed an issue that caused the "cannot do that while mesmerized" message to appear erroneously.

You can right click on misspelled words in the chat text field to correct them again.
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Old 12-10-2019, 06:50 PM   #2
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White Knight revive issue.
Berserker timing of CA issue.
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Old 12-10-2019, 10:08 PM   #3
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The remainder of the month will have provide an extra chance of dowsing!
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Old 12-10-2019, 10:19 PM   #4
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29 scene images which had creatures substantially blocked by gems (ie not the rat or crab) have been modified. You may need to clear your browser cache to see the changes.
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P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
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