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v.2.250 AFK Not Needed, Queue from Stands
Old 12-03-2019, 08:37 PM   #1
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Default v.2.250 AFK Not Needed, Queue from Stands

Previously, /afk mode was necessary to have your character remain online after closing your browser, so that your auctions would remain available. This resulted in players just remaining in /afk mode all the time which meant lots of "player is afk" warning spam when communicating with each other. This is no longer necessary, and AFK mode has been removed and replaced with a separate option, which most people will want to leave off. The new mode is to prevent logons to a character that is already logged on. This is fine for those who only play at one location, but if you play from work and you leave your browser window open at home with this setting enabled, you will not be able to log on until that window is closed.

You can now properly queue from the arena stands.

When queuing for arena you will be notified of how many others are queued with you.
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