v2.229 Teleport to Arena
Old 11-16-2019, 05:21 AM   #1
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Default v2.229 Teleport to Arena

Players can now teleport to the stands of the arena in order to spectate those who are fighting. You do so by going into town and using the arena teleportation icon. You cannot leave the stands or do much while there besides spectate/inspect. You will need to teleport back. You can also walk there, 1 west of the typical arena, in which case you can spectate, but you can't use the teleport back feature.

The spectate eye will remain at the top left, however, it will shrink after first appearing. Also, it's mouseover of who is spectating will be added to any extra mouseovers, not replace it.

Fixed some issues involving "Chat Without Pressing Enter" combined with holding hotkeys down, such as symbols appearing on your chat text bar.

Attempted a fix to prevent the cursor from ever being forced to the beginning of the chat text bar when you click it on some browsers. Please let us know if you have a scenario where this still occurs.

Info for today's tournament can be found here:
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