Suggestions to increase player base? |
09-05-2019, 04:50 PM
bluecromie is offline
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Suggestions to increase player base?
-As a low level character and reading a lot of opinions in civil chat I believe the majority of players would agree that characters need to be better rounded. Currently there are what only seems to be a couple of end game choices.With out feeling like you're being penalized.
-Not being able to trade at all with out committing to a game that you have just started. I myself am not bothered by it how ever everyone i have tried to get (new players) to join this game will shy off because they cannot be able to trade with other players or use the Auction feature.Thus making it feel like it is pay to win in the early stages.
-There is only a select few players who are new to Nod, I also believe allowing people to trade epics with out virts mostly for lower level players who don't want to instantly spend the money on virts or can't afford too for what ever the reason to make some small amount of gains even if in the current situation most low epics would be sold to the store because there is no demand for lower level gear but in replace of virts for trading them allowing you to get 1.5x the price when you sell it to a shop, this would not effect LG Gear only epic.
As a newer player i truly believe these changes would greatly encourage more people to play Nodiatis and with the expanding of the player base not only would it bring in more profit but it would also allow a more active market in the future for t30's that the game currently is lacking,I appreciate any and all feedback from all players.
Last edited by bluecromie; 09-05-2019 at 05:04 PM..
09-05-2019, 09:28 PM
Gem Pouch Expert
Tip is offline
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These points have been around since the beginning and get refreshed ever so often.
New players don't particularly always understand what is good to sell/trade - I've seen many wanting to trade away trophies, not understanding what to do with them... -.-
Or someone wanting to get rid of a duckie or algae encrusted halberd because they can't use it yet or don't realize that at low level... we all the damn same. Unless you're okay putting up with a longer grind (like i was) you use the weapon that does the most damage.
There are just things that are not known until you play a game for a while. The game is completely playable without using auction. It is free. It is without ads. It does not require email or other registration. I agree with a game, that can plausibly be played completely free (reaching cap and farming enough gold in game to use auction and buy enough tcs for all the upgrades without ever spending irl), having ways to encourage spending.. since it is a business after all and the makers would likely end the game if it fails to make profit..

12-31-2019, 06:48 AM
hvarragan is offline
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The biggest problem in my eyes seem to be that 25$ to get a standard account in the very least.
Now i know get a job and stuff.
But jokes aside, its not just about having or not having that cash but more so about "am i going to be playing this game for long enough?".
Iv heard they got some problems with buy 1tc but how about 2tc at a time, i bet there is quite a few people that would spend 10$ just like that even if they know they wont be playing this game for that long.
Seeing 25$ as minimum you can spend gets people to think twice or thrice about it and they just quit without spending anything.
This is a fact.
More payment options |
12-31-2019, 10:20 AM
hvarragan is offline
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More payment options
Get a job jokes aside.
Any chance for a 2tc buyout to be put in the game?
Seeing as there is only a 25$ option, couple that with all restrictions to game play as a free to play and you have an effective repellent to new people.
It is a fact that people are more likely to spend smaller amounts of cash multiple times than once a bigger amount of money, even more so with subscription based games where they cant see how long they are going to play the game for.
Its easy to just go ahead and spend 10$ thinking of trying out full game to see how do we enjoy playing it and what does it have to offer.
Seeing 25$ makes you think a couple of good times about "Is the game worth it, am i going to even play it for long enough to put 25$ into it?"
More people would spend at least some amount of money on the game even if they quit not long after.
Its not about having that money to spend on some game but principles.
More people would try it and more would stay and if they wouldn't they still fund the game.
And i think we all want more players to be playing.
So, can this happen?
Last edited by hvarragan; 12-31-2019 at 10:22 AM..
12-31-2019, 10:39 AM
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You are proposing exactly what recent laws are moving away from and what made Glitchless change their approach to tax practices. Small business must make different moves than the games you are likely used to playing.
Many players don't disagree this is an obstacle to new players, but the reality of Nod is if you can't grind to see if you wanna spend money on it the correlation of not withstanding the long term grind of Nod increases. I encourage other ideas to promote keeping new players, but with several people having pushed this specific (idk why it's even this way, not gonna look it up, this is the only option do it, i'm dismissing you saying no-with reasons- several times <- assortment) idea it is only perpetuating the spinning of wheels. Which makes us all grumpier.
12-31-2019, 10:42 AM
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You are proposing exactly what recent laws are moving away from and what made Glitchless change their approach to tax practices. Small business must make different moves than the games you are likely used to playing.
Many players don't disagree this is an obstacle to new players, but the reality of Nod is if you can't grind to see if you wanna spend money on it the correlation of not withstanding the long term grind of Nod increases. I encourage other ideas to promote keeping new players, but with several people having pushed this specific (idk why it's even this way, not gonna look it up, this is the only option do it, i'm dismissing you saying no-with reasons- several times <- assortment) idea it is only perpetuating the spinning of wheels. Which makes us all grumpier.
Tax laws are a fact, too. They surpass buying habits. Buying habits can shift easier than tax laws.
Single Time Card Purchases |
12-31-2019, 11:01 AM
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Johnny Psycho is offline
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Single Time Card Purchases
I suggest an option to purchase a single time card, primarily for new players.
Charge a higher amount to cover the tax...
Simple as that
12-31-2019, 11:19 AM
hvarragan is offline
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I see, still there are ways of going around that problem, make a 1 time buy offer to new players with them paying tax for that be it 1tc or 2tc's is one example.
Make tc's from first time buy bound/untradable or simply allow them to just straight out buy a month of standard/premium with money, no tc's.
I really think something needs to be done with this to make more new players stick around for long enough to keep on playing.
Last edited by hvarragan; 12-31-2019 at 11:21 AM..
12-31-2019, 12:01 PM
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The toon bound idea has been mentioned and it makes sense to me (which is taken care of as if you don't have face and have one tc, you must spend that tc on face anyway), but how would they get the tc?
Glitchless does these taxes one way - opening up even a single avenue to players paying the taxes is a whole new set of forms/filing to spend time on or outsource at a cost.
Interesting idea to pay subscription time directly with money. I bet that'd take a chunk of coding to put such a purchase program inside the game. Currently all financial transactions are processed outside the game (paypal, xsolla, steam or w/e) then your virtual property is delivered in game after payment is processed. So really we already pay directly for our time - represented by tcs.
I'd love a way for players to feel the acceptance of 'i can do this with moderate irl money.' I think that would diminish the perks of playing capped toons given or sat-out to newer players. This would help new and old players. Getting people hooked early is nice theory and a little income bump. Nod being a cap focused game means people must grind to cap before really becoming an established player. Before cap, which i find just as much value in even if the culture of the game does not, you just aren't exposed to all of the content. Before cap is a notably unchanging/smaller segment of the entire game.
Reigning in my rambling a little: an in-game way for newer players to clearly earn a tc in game (say level 20-40 or 15-35) is attractive. It's often disheartening to see 1.8mil tcs when current players say you can earn in game tc - and feels sad to tell it too lol. A taste of that could pull the $25 up in priority from a person who already has a job and mows all the yards in the neighborhood (aka has money), but is looking for a trigger to do it. I realize there are currently hard-pressed ways to earn face at low levels, but if all new players did them their effectiveness would not overcome their demand.
Yep, I'm wordy today. I'm leaving all this just because brainstorming is a great avenue when taken as neutral possibilities to something better.
12-31-2019, 12:37 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Suggestions based on false premises are not likely to beneficial, and those asking for easier/cheaper/faster are almost definitely not.
Recent changes have seen a increase in player retention which is adding up. Nodiatis hit a recent high of simultaneous players logged this Sunday. 2019 will be Nodiatis's 2nd most profitable year (not attributable to recent changes, of course). We'll be adding a live server population count indicator to the gaming interface so players have a more accurate representation of the state of things, since the perception of some seems to be far from reality.
In general, we welcome feedback on ways to make the game more enjoyable, which are much to thank for steering the recent PK revamp in the right direction. We do not welcome ways to make the game easier/cheaper/faster. Rule #9: https://forums.nodiatis.com/forums/s...ead.php_t=6308
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12-31-2019, 01:09 PM
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Johnny Psycho is offline
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You're not here to have fun. YOU PLAY NAO!
12-31-2019, 03:01 PM
hvarragan is offline
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How can you even connect it to difficulty of the game, put the minimum payable amount to 100$ to make the game harder why wont you.
It definitely isn't making it cheaper in the least, those that want to buy higher amount of tc's will still do so and you are going to gain even more money because those that wouldn't buy any at all possibly will.
Doesn't make it faster either, you already have all those speed out mechanics in the game, all your veterans played in the era when they were able to buy 1tc anytime they wanted.
I found this game on steam three days ago, maybe four and have never seen it there before, your gain of players I would put on that sole reason, advertisement, for some reason people started seeing it on steam.
But whatever man, i tried, we tried, we all want more players i nthe game, do with this whatever you want.
Last edited by hvarragan; 12-31-2019 at 03:06 PM..
12-31-2019, 03:14 PM
Glitchless is offline
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If you read what Tip said, specifically her third link, you'd see minimum TC buy is a separate issue--not related to game easy/hard. It's already been explained in her link(s) and extremely complicated and not negotiable.
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