New areas to explore
Old 07-17-2019, 12:30 PM   #1
Boss Hunter
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Default New areas to explore

People keep mentioning new areas, making new towns in diff spaces, etc.

How about a whole new continent? Set a town (or few) where you can talk to a travel NPC and take a ship or something to a diff continent/world. Similar level progression, but completely different geography/topography. New mobs to fight, new towns to discover, maybe new common/epic weapons/armor/pets to find.

Now, for the boss's share. Make all interactions in a different language and sell translators. This could be duplicated again and again and create the need for a universal translator. More stuff to take up space in inventory and a universal translator could be a new epic/lg item.

Maybe each new continent has a different kind of beast; increase weapon/armor/pet/pot/rune/etc drop rates, could even be specific to bows or slashers. i dunno, it's a thought.
Everybody lies on the internet.

Last edited by Khettry; 07-17-2019 at 12:35 PM..
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