Charms (knockoff of D2)
Old 07-17-2019, 12:25 PM   #1
Boss Hunter
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Default Charms (knockoff of D2)

1) Takes up space in inventory (multiple sizes?)
2) adds weight to what you're carrying
3) provides small bonus to something random (scaling affects by size of charm)

I'm envisioning something like a 1 space charm adding 1% to hit, or a 2 space (tall or fat) charm adding 1% to crit chance, maybe a 2x2 charm that adds 2% to gold, etc.

This will help us make our builds stronger, potentially encourage higher area farming, give more need for increasing decumberance and similar skills, and encourage buying more inventory expanders.

Maybe another money maker (for teh owner) would be selling an upgrade that increases the maximum an inventory can be increased or outright sell expanders like TCs for those willing to pay more for them (dunno, given the recent tax-related changes).
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