Question on accuracy stats
Old 11-17-2008, 09:58 PM   #1
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Default Question on accuracy stats

Hi all, not sure if this has been asked before, but how do you factor in the various degrees of accuracy of a weapon to estimate its worth?

I know the thing about dividing the average damange of the weapon by its delay to get a estimate... but what is the difference btw poor, normal, good, great, exceptional, excellent?

so for example, is a staff which is exceptional, 38 delay and 8-51 dmg better or worse than a staff which is good, 26 delay and 6-40 dmg?

is there a way to figure this out? or is it just no comparable?

appreciate any advise you guys will have!
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Old 11-17-2008, 11:41 PM   #2
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u need to use the search function on these boards accuracy has been answered here multiple times by jeff the games creator and by others mimicking his answer...

1 degree of accuracy for example normal to good is app 3% better to hit this really shouldnt come into a factor with staves your better off taking a stave with an added on ability when u hit ie the epic lvl staves since all staves do the same thing for u no matter if its lvl 1 or 99... your stave will never be a replacement for your gems
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Old 11-18-2008, 12:33 AM   #3
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A stave is a pretty good 2H weapon style ... i'm leveling an angel my self an the melee aspect is above expectations, so it does matter to my experience a lot. I think hopilus can confirm this as she is the highest staff user i know in the game
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Old 11-18-2008, 01:20 AM   #4
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Default staff

im currently using the epic lvl 17 staff and was wondering if it made sense to switch to a lvl 27 or 28 staff.

but thanks for the info, ill check out the search thread.

Yeah i heard that Hop is using the lvl 40 shock staff!
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Old 11-18-2008, 02:18 AM   #5
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what is above expectations to u zenga? a 2handed weapon that acts like a 1handed whip? i'm not trying to put down staves they're very powerful for what they do i'm just saying that ur stave isnt going to be doing what your 500+ dmg gems do in the end game.
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:26 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Style
what is above expectations to u zenga? a 2handed weapon that acts like a 1handed whip? i'm not trying to put down staves they're very powerful for what they do i'm just saying that ur stave isnt going to be doing what your 500+ dmg gems do in the end game.
Well that I could win a fight pretty easy using the staff alone without gems as lower level (15-25). And that was above my expectations. So if you compare stats on staves, the melee aspect does count. But haven't used it yet on higher levels, so can't judge about that.
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