Casting on the dead
Old 01-20-2019, 04:54 PM   #1
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Default Casting on the dead


For probably years now, I thought I'd get used to the no casting on the dead, but no.

I understand the problem for toons that have slow MRe/PRe that don't want to needlessly burn a monstrous DD.

But this is at the expense of the opposite build. My main pouches (depending on character) have cantrips and DoTs with high Gift of Light. If I have a build with high MRe/PRe, then one pouch should do just fine.

I don't think I should need a separate healing pouch since the same argument could go for those who need to build their mana/energy back up.

If you don't want to reverse the rule, at least make exceptions for cantrips and DoTs.

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Old 01-20-2019, 05:01 PM   #2
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You want an ability called "Gift of Light" to work by casing on a corpse?

Request denied.
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Old 01-20-2019, 05:08 PM   #3
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LOL! - Fair enough, although it makes as much sense as saying a "Treefall" can't happen on a corpse. What if I was really ticked off at the mob and wanted to blast it to smithereens, dead or no? Surely there's a psychological benefit to casting on corpses.
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Old 01-21-2019, 09:06 AM   #4
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Hey Kitty! The reason (I think) why Glitch is denying Gift of Light to work on corpse is because people will find ways to abuse it and use it in PvP fights such as clan battles and what not?
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Old 01-21-2019, 09:46 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Akilthedestroyer
Hey Kitty! The reason (I think) why Glitch is denying Gift of Light to work on corpse is because people will find ways to abuse it and use it in PvP fights such as clan battles and what not?
that can already be done with hp/sec heals tho
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Old 01-21-2019, 09:59 AM   #6
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It's not that Nod makes any sense - my favourite remains that you can ambush a mob after it has been whaling away on you while you were encumbered - but I like Glitch's response better.

Assuming you were allowing it, you'd still only have a 33% chance of GoL working (at 100), so you'd be better off targetting something alive for PvP. If you could find a way to taunt to a dead team member, that would be something else, but you can't do that.

That said, my point wasn't just about GoL, but the general dynamic of the pouch. The whole point of a cantrip is to reduce your pouch size. If you can't fire the cantrip, or get the benefit of a faster draw on a blue gem (e.g. Daze), then the pouch build has reduced value. Glitch essentially nerfed it when he stopped allowing casting on dead mobs. To nerf because it is overpowered is one thing. To nerf to solve a mana/energy regen problem in a different build is another.
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Old 01-21-2019, 05:33 PM   #7
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Kay unless I'm mistaking something. You want to be able to heal after combat in pve. No pvp involved in this. Gol and vamp both don't work on dead mobs. Just reenter combat with a new Mob. Like every other person in game without regen or heals.

He didn't allow things to not target dead things cuz of mana/energy issues. It got changed cuz people were targeting dead guys while dazed in arena. Ie gems wouldn't go off at all. Glitch removed it.

Gonna guess you're a melee or an archer? That's why you have cantrips? Guess what. There are cantrips that restore mana and energy. And cantrips that heal. All of these target you. Not the enemy.

Last edited by Blaze; 01-21-2019 at 05:41 PM..
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Old 01-21-2019, 06:56 PM   #8
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Yes, I have no pure casters - sat one for a few months and I swore off them. I have heals aplenty. That's the point: I want to get to my HoTs after PvE. Starting a new battle doesn't help because whatever caused me to lose HP in my last PvE presumably will do the same. I like using balanced HoTs and DoTs and damage cantrips work just fine (and damage mobs!). So, yes, I can waste the pouch spots on low level energy/mana cantrips but that's a nerf on my current setup. I could use another pouch for heals but then I lose any auras/continuous heals I have up.

If daze forces you to target a dead toon, that's a problem with daze. If a toon dies, you are not targetting. That's still true - and correct, you don't want Nod targetting for you.

Bottom line: Because of a problem elsewhere (PvP dazes or whatever) Glitch nerfed using damage cantrips in PvE. I would argue that if you are right about the PvP origin, then GoL/Vamp in PvE could still be valid.
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