Companions |
12-31-2018, 03:07 PM
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i could spam civil all day with the annoyance i feel over the way you plan to introduce the new patch. another gold sink might seem like an amazing idea. however there is so much more than could've been done with this idea.
We have tracking skill which u could add another function to track the companions, add a new skill which is called taming. add new item or item's which u can use to bait companions, allow them to be effective via the cost of the bait. vs the rarity of the companions. once they have been located on the map. allow the companions to be obtainable by the whole player base. why shouldn't low lvl's be able to get a new function? a whole year for a patch that doesnt effect the whole game...
The actual training of them sounds amazing u nailed that.
There is so much potential with them that the way its currently being added to the game just sounds, lame, even making them harder to obtain by fighting higher mobs isn't enough of a change. allow skills and the such to make a difference than just gold like normal. gold sinks are all good and well but it just seems pointless.
12-31-2018, 03:19 PM
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Imriel is offline
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Agreed Dark one.
I'm completely uninterested in the idea of companions as it stands now. Play the game as normal, except with a t1 and t2 strigi shield in inventory at all times just in case something pops up so you can destroy the shield(s)?
Hey bro we heard you like gold sinks so we got you a gold sink to go with your gold sink.

12-31-2018, 03:22 PM
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Oreano is offline
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I feel that this all will be a work in progress and that Glitchless will make adjustments to it over time (hopefully not years).
12-31-2018, 03:23 PM
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Brookeland is offline
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As it reads now, I am not too interested in a "companion" will wait and see what bonuses are on offer, I do not need a walking one but if companion goes and fetches TC's from Dl I will get one.
As it stands I support DL
12-31-2018, 03:29 PM
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Freakymagic is offline
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Still curious as to what they can do and specifics of them. As to the gold sink... *shrug*... nod is a time/gold sink. Hoping it isn't a time or gold sink is just wishful thinking.
12-31-2018, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Freakymagic
As to the gold sink... *shrug*... nod is a time/gold sink. Hoping it isn't a time or gold sink is just wishful thinking.
True, but we can at least hope that new updates that you wait for years for aren't an immediate or blatant one. Like, we should be able to get the companion in a way DL said, something to do with tracking or a new skill or whatever and just leave the gold sinky part to leveling them up and making them better/more effective at whatever it is they do. This game has enough things to spend TCs and gold on already without making getting a companion another one.
12-31-2018, 04:17 PM
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I think you already saw my thoughts in /c as well. An 8-16m Tamagotchi is kinda boring.
Working together to track down companions and tame them sounds like so much more fun. That's the point of the game, isn't it? You give us fun and we give you money.
Sometimes making the game more fun involves making it less tedious, like Chippie. I must say that while I like Chippie, the way it was rolled out was poor. Ease-of-use changes should not be simple purchasable items, and the same applies for companions.
Imagine if you needed to equip an LG arrow to use hotkeys. It'd be retarded.
Other times, you can make the game more fun by adding cool **** to do. Destroying LGs when you hear a gong doesn't really count as a cool thing, and is going to be stupid for people on mobile, or people who have low IRL dex. Is feeding your Tamag- I mean Companion going to be fun? I doubt it.
Blood for the blood god. I want a companion that needs to CB/PK/something other players. Or a companion that requires you to do something interesting. Feeding trophies is a chore, it's not something that will make the game more fun.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Implementation of companions is taking longer than expected. It is likely the most complex game patch to date, and we are spending extra time to ensure that--unlike initially planned--we will be able to show the same detailed animations in all client versions. We are hoping to have it completed in the next few days. Here is a peek at what it will entail.
Companions are obtainable by sacrificing (destroying) a very valuable item at an opportune time. Upon spotting a potential companion, you will get a message and hear the arena gong, then you will see the small creature trot across the screen. You must destroy an LG weapon or shield of any tier. You might want to hurry since any combat (arena, or PvP) or movement will cause you to lose your shot. If the companion is impressed, they will join you.
There are two variants of each companion type: a walking version and a rarer dancing version. There is also a legendary version of both the walking and dancing types. The only difference between walking and dancing companions is their appearance, but dancing companions are only impressed by tier II and greater sacrifices. You will be able to tell if a companion is walking or dancing when they first appear on your screen, however, whether or not you obtain a legendary variant, which has a +1 level modifier, depends on luck. Your luck may improve by sacrificing greater tiers.
When a companion joins you, it is permanent. You will be able to assign that companion a skill (such as travel time reduction, item fetching, etc) and then train them. Training can be accomplished in two ways:
You can right click any Stats skill and divert all kill experience toward a companion. You can also feed a companion trophies. You can only teach them so much at a time, however, and exp gains will diminish due to over-training in a single day, then return to normal the next day.
Feeding companions trophies is also essential to maintaining their morale. An unhappy companion will not provide full benefits.
Other Things to Note:
There is a companion experience penalty based on the total level of all your companions. It is 5% per level. This means that it is more efficient to only train a few companions.
There is a companion experience bonus based on the total number of all companions. Each companion you have increases companion experience gains by 5%
These two effects are additive: If you have ten level 0 companions you would have a 10 * 5 = 50% bonus to their experience gains. However, if you level them all to 2 then you would end up with a 50 - (2 * 5 * 10) = -50% effect to all experience gains. Level them all to 3 and you would have 50 - (3 * 5 * 10) = -100% and not be able to gain any more experience at all unless you got another companion or untrained one you had.
Only a few companions can be active at a time. This amount starts at one and is increasable to six, however, only the companion in your first slot provides its full bonus. Each additional companion yields lesser bonuses than the last.
Active companions are visible to you and others when inspecting.
Using two companions with the same skill at the same time is not beneficial. They will not stack.
Companions, their skills, morale, and everything are retained through rerolls and permanent deaths.
If you acquire a legendary version of a companion you already have, it will replace the one you had while retaining its level and experience. However, if you decide to change the skill a companion is using, it will reset its level back to 0.
Each companion you acquire counts as an accomplishment. Legendary companions, since they can replace standard companions, count as two accomplishments.
The only time an LG sacrifice is a potential waste is when you already have a type of companion and you are attempting to get its legendary counterpart. Even then, however, the failure will increase your chances of getting a legendary the next time.
Companions are more likely to appear when fighting harder creatures, and some companions can only be found in zones of extreme difficulty.
Recruitment (Live):
The 25+7 TC special will now give recruitment experience if purchased by someone who used your referral link, but it will still not award recruitment TCs.
Bosses (Live):
Killing a boss for the first time now has the chance (albeit small) to drop an epic.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
If they put a nice icon on you it's beneficial if they put a mean one on the other guy it's detrimental.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The player was banned for using an exploit repeatedly without reporting it. There's only 1 proper way to profit off an exploit: report it.
Originally Posted by Huggles
Old Delay/(1+haste%) = New Delay
For slow effects, use the slow % but as a negative.
Just repeat for multiple effects.
DO NOT multiply by 1+slow% to get your new delay. 1*1.4 is not the same as 1/0.6 and your answer will be wrong.
12-31-2018, 04:38 PM
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Lakki is offline
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I like the concept of this to some extent, but i don't understand some of it...
What is the point of me breaking legendary gear, to get a companion? when I could just save up my gold, and keep uptiering my current gear, to be stronger in pvp, and pve? are the bonuses the companion can provide even worth the effort?
imo they should be beneficial to everyone, not just rich caps lol.
Can't give much more 2 cents on the matter because they aren't even out yet so its not fair thing to do, but i'm wondering why i would bother? when i can tier 6 my gear, and just continue farming. On top of that, i don't know why they're soulbound though. i meant granted they're companions, but if we have to break LG's to get them, they should be tradeable imo.
i'm not going to complain about anything though, we'll see how it is, when it gets here, but am glad to see some change in the game for sure. Looking forward to it ~ Lakki
12-31-2018, 05:50 PM
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Iesus is offline
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I didn't like Taklamakangochis back in 90s and i will not give all the time to one now
Happy new year to all!
12-31-2018, 06:11 PM
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Tharkas is offline
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"The only time an LG sacrifice is a potential waste is when you already have a type of companion and you are attempting to get its legendary counterpart. Even then, however, the failure will increase your chances of getting a legendary the next time."
What skills/abilities are the companions going to provide? Will we know the difference in what we are attempting to get before we sacrifice LG's to it? Will companions that have different abilities look different or will ones with differing abilities look the same? Because it'd be one of your crappiest moves yet if we couldn't tell if we were sacrificng LG's to only a potential upgrade or an entirely new companion.
12-31-2018, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Lakki
imo they should be beneficial to everyone, not just rich caps lol.
I personally was hoping for at least this. Companions accessible to everyone in the game, especially lower level toons and new players.... 
12-31-2018, 09:02 PM
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Joanna is offline
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In short: Companions are like extra 6 rune slots you can have .
Was getting gold suit a waste of money as well ?
Even with small bonuses but everlasting ones its worth it as they will pay off over time .
I think whoever whines now without even knowing bonuses and mechanics is simply a cry baby  (no offence to anyone - been there done that :P)
In case you all missed it I would suggest to read Glitchless post again .
If acquiring companions was too tedious it would be even more whining .
There is many smart players here and they already figured it out (we got very constructive chat and agreed to its cool and complex mechanics)
As you know you would need (best case scenario after knowing it all) obtain 6 companions for full benefits then choose wisely their skills and line them up with right order to make it most beneficial to whatever you enjoying to do .
Then here fun begins , or rather grind. You need to both level and feed them daily to progress them all which right there is plenty to do .
Once new abilities are discovered players may want to change strategy or choose different skills to fill gap in potential new builds (adding new
companions/de-leveling existing for exp boost)
its already complicated for average player : getting right combo of skills and optimize bonuses and leveling strategy as well. You need to weight benefits here - cannot have it all .....
I'll stop right here and ask you to think before you pour some acid on whole idea.
We will talk again once they released and people taste their awesome sauce.
Happy New Year Everyone !
12-31-2018, 09:08 PM
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Demons is offline
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i agree with dl...woulda been nice to have to hunt, capture, befriend / tame your companions not just throw gold at it
 fisherman avenger!
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The capacity to feel like an idiot is an indicator that you probably aren't one.
12-31-2018, 09:13 PM
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Blaze is offline
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so far the only 2 bonuses named are travel time speed up, and item fetching.
(no more asking to trade tcs in t2 for tcs in fa'ar?)
while both are Coolio. I cba to bother with sacrificing lgs for those lulz. i'll put up with the hassle. i'll wait for my final judgement until I see full list of effects though
12-31-2018, 10:01 PM
Glitchless is offline
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It's not expected for anyone to be overly excited about obtaining companions until they see them and their bonuses.
Ideas proposed are being taken into consideration.
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12-31-2018, 10:04 PM
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Lakki is offline
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Originally Posted by Flue
I personally was hoping for at least this. Companions accessible to everyone in the game, especially lower level toons and new players.... 
yes i agree! i was looking forward to what darklords posted earlier, about actually finding companions and trading them. not grinding 1k hours to get a companion when i can just work on uptiering my weapons / armor as is. from the sound of it the reward of breaking strig shields doesn't seem worth it in my opinion.
It would be nice if the companions were actually usuable by most levels of toons, and not just " rich, bored caps" but i guess level 85's who have 5k hp are overlooked as well =/ game has plenty of mat/gold sinks at the moment, so breaking weapons will probably be pointless. and wasting gold for strig shields will just be a gold sink for those who have almost nothing else to do :S companions sound almost as optional as pilgrimage
12-31-2018, 10:07 PM
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Lakki is offline
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
It's not expected for anyone to be overly excited about obtaining companions until they see them and their bonuses.
Ideas proposed are being taken into consideration.
awesome. still looking forward to DL and Nibbles baby :P
12-31-2018, 10:30 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Don't buy any LGs for sacrificing.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
12-31-2018, 10:43 PM
Seer's BFF
Tsutsu is offline
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Reduced tracking time for a bonus plz.
12-31-2018, 10:55 PM
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Lakki is offline
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i'd like to see an exp rush or gr chance bonus, that would be nice :P
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