Gift Boxes
Old 12-23-2018, 02:33 AM   #1
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Default Gift Boxes

So Christmas is coming and many people are handing out presents. I have an idea, where you are able to create your own gift box with any item, whether it would be a heroic essence, legendary item, or even a TC. To make gift boxes should cost a fair amount of gold to create.

If possible, would be cool if you can even send it to someone with a max of 3 gift boxes per person, to prevent spamming. You can either make the sender anonymous or shown. Hovered over the gift boxes show the sender.
To prevent any issues, to have a toggle whether you would like to receive gift boxes from other people. Only paid accounts can send as well.

Just thought would be nice idea to wake up on Christmas Day and see a handful of Gift boxes in your inventory.

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Old 12-23-2018, 06:30 AM   #2
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Well, this is probably one of the best ideas we have had in a long time to be honest. I don't know whether or not it has been mentioned before, but i support it strongly.

I've handed out many tc's, and lg's to players whom are deserving of them, but gift boxes that we could put items in, or even upgrades ourselves would be nice. Unfortunately, this idea is not necessary, and is pretty low priority so it probably won't be implemented any time soon if it was, however....

Adding LG's to a gift box, an epic, t30 resources, or w/e. would be cool.

don't know how to take this topic to length, but i support it nonetheless
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Old 12-23-2018, 11:02 AM   #3
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It'd neat to have it wrapped, but just like irl.... as long as the person gets it idc who it came from or that it is professionally packaged. If I bother to wrap something, I do it at home and not spend extra money on it. I could spend the money on more for the person or bills. (Unless of course the person specifically gets jollies from pro wrapping, but even then wrapping goes poof)

I'd pass on it personally, not against it being put on the list, but I agree not priority.

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