queueing over max weight
Old 12-02-2018, 12:33 PM   #1
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Default queueing over max weight

is there any particular exploit or reason why we can't queue when weight is in purple? I've finished fights and just gotten insta pulled to arena. then had tons of trophies I have to move to storage for us to requeue. is there any real exploit to us being able to queue before I put 30 stacks in storage or?
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Old 12-03-2018, 12:09 AM   #2
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no one? anyone? Glitchypoo? it's rather annoying and uncomfortable and we've brainstormed but really cant figure out a way to exploit this so pretty please fix it?

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Old 12-04-2018, 03:26 AM   #3
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Encumberance is not meant to be a comfortable feel.
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P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
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Old 12-04-2018, 07:56 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Encumberance is not meant to be a comfortable feel.
OK, so how does it work? You're too encumbered and can't move BUT you still get teleported to arena? doesnt the arena teleport act as moving? and if so how can you move when you're too encumbered to move? Also, if you are able to get moved to arena, why can't you simply queue (without moving) in arena while over encumbered?

Pick one and stick to it cause both can't really work

Suggestion: make it when one group member is too encumbered to move queue drops like upon death of any kind, OR allow to queue when a group member is over encumbered xD

Thank you in advance for the skill that will reduce trophy weight too

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Old 12-05-2018, 06:47 AM   #5
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Also, potionmaking may well work from storage with the latest updates and all, but still kinda hard to have matts for a stack of 105 potions, considering it takes 51 stacks of t2 resins and downtiering is all nice and fine cause you get more than what you start with but it kills the 3x encumbered real fast, why can't a team queue while one team member downtiers resins for potions?

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