Old 11-24-2018, 08:52 PM   #1
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Default Discord

Is civil meant to be for advertising discord 90% of the time?

I'd just like to see the discord forceful recruiting under control. If someone says no, then don't ask them four more times. If you get another on discord, yay for you all. I'm not interested in being recruited repeatedly/constantly. It is becoming obnoxious like "troll toons." I'm not against letting people know there is a Nod discord - and if some believe it adds to and helps Nod, wonderful -, but Nod is not just discord and not everyone cares for it to be. Please, "get out of my face with it." and others who feel the same way. Hearing your partial discord interactions in Nod chat is more obnoxious than a nub not understanding /g... xD

I would like better chat abilities in nod or separation of game activity and chat itself, etc. I am in no way interested in anything vocal/audio for interacting.

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Old 11-24-2018, 09:09 PM   #2
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Old 11-24-2018, 09:13 PM   #3
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Thanks for trolling.
I can't use iggy function on discord talk. Only on Nod players... which I did not express any one who is destined to be iggied.

I know it is a passing fad, but in case it isn't. Why spam more than clan recruiting ads?

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Old 11-24-2018, 09:16 PM   #4
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Guess no more clan ads either .

All jokes aside unless Glitch pins the link to discord, we will advertise for more people to know and join and it is working. New people are joining every week and having fun here. We aren't holding a knife against you to join, the way to get something out, you have to advertise, same as clans do to recruit.

Last edited by Redeye; 11-24-2018 at 09:19 PM..
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Lol is this really a post?
Old 11-24-2018, 09:18 PM   #5
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Default Lol is this really a post?

Originally Posted by Tip
Is civil meant to be for advertising discord 90% of the time?

I'd just like to see the discord forceful recruiting under control. If someone says no, then don't ask them four more times. If you get another on discord, yay for you all. I'm not interested in being recruited repeatedly/constantly. It is becoming obnoxious like "troll toons." I'm not against letting people know there is a Nod discord - and if some believe it adds to and helps Nod, wonderful -, but Nod is not just discord and not everyone cares for it to be. Please, "get out of my face with it." and others who feel the same way. Hearing your partial discord interactions in Nod chat is more obnoxious than a nub not understanding /g... xD

I would like better chat abilities in nod or separation of game activity and chat itself, etc. I am in no way interested in anything vocal/audio for interacting.
Forceful recruiting? Is this a serious post right now Tip? lol for realz? okay.

Who forcefully recruited you, and in what way? if this bothers you, please tell glitch that it is no longer an option to advertise clans, or trades in the main chat as well. because I have proof here that Discord is nothing but beneficial to nodiatis, and a means to get nodders to come together, and chat. it is in a sense, a different form of clan chat.

go cry about something more important plox, and next time post it in the uncivil section, because this is a complete waste of time and BS.

Although i highly doubt someone pointed a gun to your head and " forcefully" recruited you to join. how annoyed do you think we have been seeing the same Dtnor ad, for months at a time? our discord server has grown a bit and we have only been advertising maybe a few weeks at best lol. its old, but it didn't get the TLC it needed until now.

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Old 11-24-2018, 09:23 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Tip
Thanks for trolling.
I can't use iggy function on discord talk. Only on Nod players... which I did not express any one who is destined to be iggied.

I know it is a passing fad, but in case it isn't. Why spam more than clan recruiting ads?
I did not post that with the intention to troll, but rather with the intention to solve your problem. If you don't want to hear something, ignore people. Why should a dev waste their time filtering harmless chat for you when you could do it yourself?
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Old 11-24-2018, 11:16 PM   #7
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Clans and trades are part of Nod. Discord is outside of Nod. I'm "bitching" only to the point of it's annoying and maybe others will start advertising things which I thought were against rules, like other games. Y'all untwist your panties a little please. I was not straight calling any one out. I was not straight bashing anyone. I was not being nasty. I did not prompt Glitch to do anything - Nor would I expect him to for something "among the people."

*****Basic message I conveyed was pushing people in civil is uncalled for and the recruiting is, for now, higher frequency than DtNor's, inescapable. *****

I'm not here to spoil your fun. I applaud people going to discord and having fun. You wanna be republican or democratic, go the **** ahead, why do I care? I just don't want your signs in my yard.

-- also, the pic of discord shows nothing more than another IN YOUR FACE gesture. That could be countered by someone else creating a discord just to bash Nod. I don't know what you are trying to prove except letting your emotions spew unchecked.
and also... many know I have plenty better things to actually bitch about. Comparatively, this is more "fun"

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