Additional skills and Special Abilities
Old 11-08-2018, 11:46 AM   #1
Boss Hunter
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Thumbs up Additional skills and Special Abilities

Please reward the effort people have made to raise crafting and resourcing skills by implementing some passive and additional Special Abilities.
Feel free to propose / enhance / balance the skills below, I'm sure Glitch can handle the math / logic (chance to draw a special ability or percentages on passive procs / effects).
Special abilities should be available as 3'rd button (like Class Ability) and should be drawn like gems from a "pouch" based on some luck / roll principle with a cooldown and without a certain chance to actually draw one of these SAs from that invisible pouch during a fight.

Please comment with pros, cons, flames ... you may also troll if you want.
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Old 11-08-2018, 11:46 AM   #2
Boss Hunter
Brau is offline
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Posts: 85

- Passive Effect: SA is too powerful to add an additional passive effect.
- Special Ability: You have your grindstone with you, sharpen your knifes, your chance of triggering puncture skill doubles at most for the next several attacks.
- Passive Effect: Please propose a passive effect.
- Special Ability: You forgot to clean your micro dye press, the contents of it fermented, you should throw it into your enemies to stun them all with the blast.
- Passive Effect: Please propose a passive effect.
- Special Ability: The cloth you made may be thrown onto your enemies, try it, it may confuse them to hit each other or themselves.
- Passive Effect: Drinking so many potions give you a random strange effect, sometimes debuffs sometimes beneficial effects, similar to those bloody hot zones ... (Trigger: small buffs or debuffs when consuming a potion)
- Special Ability: Passive effect is too powerful.
- Passive Effect: SA is too powerful to add an additional passive effect.
- Special Ability: That rod is powerful and mysterious, it triggers a random Special Ability (without knowing which one).
- Passive Effect: While cooking ingots, you decided to throw your gems into the fire, surprisingly when you use them on your opponents the chance of applying them has increased.
- Special Ability: Passive effect is too powerful.
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Old 11-08-2018, 11:47 AM   #3
Boss Hunter
Brau is offline
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Posts: 85

- Passive Effect: Increases the accuracy of your bow while auto shooting.
- Special Ability: Performs a trishot.
- Passive Effect: SA is too powerful to add an additional passive effect.
- Special Ability: You have your gems from the bottom of your magic pouch attached to a fishing line, pull that line to fill your gem bar with 6 gems and have the 7'th in your draw slot.
- Passive Effect: Please propose a passive effect.
- Special Ability: Unleash those mice in combat, they will tickle your enemies making them mezzed (long lasting effect).
- Passive Effect: PVE only: increases the chance of performing melee quad attacks when fighting wider/fat monsters (Bosses).
- Special Ability: You mastered your skill at wielding the woodcutting axe, triggers a quad attack with your melee weapon/s.
- Passive Effect: Please propose a passive effect or make mass stun long lasting and not possible to prevent with stoics.
- Special Ability: Spin those mining hammers and throw them all into your enemies, you'll see the real power of stun effect!
- Passive Effect: You have a small chance to dig a second treasure chest after a fight.
- Special Ability: Passive effect is too powerful.
- Passive Effect: That tickle Class Ability from Adventurer is a joke, or not ? Increases the effect of Tickle CA by 10 times at level 100.
- Special Ability: Passive effect is too powerful.
Dust collecting:
- Passive Effect: Please propose a passive effect.
- Special Ability: Don't destroy that low tier dust, keep it, it may be useful in combat. Throw the dust in your enemy eyes, dazes the opponent and consumes a t1 dust from your inventory.
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Old 11-08-2018, 11:47 AM   #4
Boss Hunter
Brau is offline
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Posts: 85

- Passive Effect: Each 10 levels from this skill adds 1 more stat point to the first base stat point, works for armor pieces only and quiver. (maxed skill, adds on 70 Stat points)
- Special Ability: Passive effect is too powerful.
- Passive Effect: Increases your hit rating with any melee weapon while auto-attacking.
- Special Ability: Passive effect is too powerful.
- Passive Effect: Stretching leather and your body while waiting for whips to be ready, makes you super agile, gives you a small chance to avoid physical hits.
- Special Ability: Passive effect is too powerful.
- Passive Effect: After working in your workshop, you forgot to clean yourself, leaving wood splinters over your armors ... who will get close to you will get small bloodlets.
- Special Ability: Please propose a SA.
- Passive Effect: You rushed into combat immediately after using the boiler and your armor pieces have stains of oil on them, good thing that oil reflects any DD used on you.
- Special Ability: Passive effect is too powerful.
- Passive Effect: Please propose a passive effect.
- Special Ability: Triggers shaft skill even if it's not causing death.
- Passive Effect: Your pets will sometimes prevent any detrimental gem used on you (because of dark arts).
- Special Ability: Passive effect is too powerful.
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