Arena Exploit "fix"
Old 10-03-2018, 11:12 AM   #1
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Default Arena Exploit "fix"

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Purposefully throwing matches is very much against the rules and people have been banned for it. In your scenario, if you did actually lose every single match it would not end up technically hurting anyone, but allowing people to purposefully lose matches opens the door to abuse by taking it a step further and actually beating people who you dislike if you recognize them, thus skewing the results of the arena.
Darklords, Brooke, Fattynoob 4,268 0/7

within a few hours of us queuing nakkid this was changed? because we are "exploiting?" to my knowledge you clearly stated the only way this is an issue is when people pick and choose who they were fighting. we had 0 intention of participating intill a month before rush when it actually matters. the whole arenaing for 5 months+ is a daunting task during a 1vs1 season let alone when u fighting a tank a dpser and a healer 80+% of the time some of us dont wanna be sitting in an arena match for 5+ mins each and every time.

i really have no idea what intentions u have planned for arena but forcing the player base to partake in things they dont want too. 100% effort for that 1 month is enough of an issue without trying to match up playing times and reallife.

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Old 10-03-2018, 03:43 PM   #2
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fisherman avenger!
Originally Posted by Glitchless
The capacity to feel like an idiot is an indicator that you probably aren't one.
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