Originally Posted by Raidens
The lower shaft with higher tick is because it's stacked so far that the older tick damage has faded away but it's all stacked into a larger tick. bigger shafts happen around 3-4.5k ticks. the longer it goes without a shaft near 5k ticks the lower it will be.
as for more resists... NEVER state something without proof of numbers. record 100 fights and tally what happens, otherwise don't make a statement like that
As discussed on private chat, my problem is not the shaft amount, but the fact that i miss all bow shots when the tick is high (sustained high poison tick = enough remaining dot amount to trigger at least the same shafts: 30k+). Sometimes the shaft doesn't happen at all or it happens when boss is nearly dead thus having a very small shaft. Last shaft was of 677 when the tick was about 5k which was sustained by 2 dotters in a group fight.
Unfortunately the shaft does not show the entire remaining dot when procing, it shows only the amount until boss is left with 0 HP (in the other words, it does not perform an overhit, leaving the boss on negative amount of hp when it dies).
Regarding resists and to not state something without a proof ? why would you say that ? my question about if i need to provide proof for my statement was addressed to the master of glitches, not to you. Is there a specific post stating that any complain or theories should be accompanied by proofs ? how the heck can i create such a proof when the game does not allow any kind of debugging functionality.
Having hard caps in the backend of this game has a precedent, those were denied, then after proof was provided, the complain was accepted and fixed.
@Glitchless: can i use a packet sniffer to perform analysis ? will you accept this kind of logs ? is it legal to perform such analysis without breaking rules of the game ?
I'm sure that if you are a real developer, you can isolate the context and perform unit and integration tests or white code review in a more faster manner than me performing black box testing.