thank you glitch
Old 08-11-2018, 02:00 PM   #1
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Default thank you glitch

The title might not be something you hear a whole lot, but thanks Glitch. I attempted the 106 heroic boss with Soxson and Lakki today, and honestly. It was the first time I felt excited in PvE in a long time. The boss kept spamming apocs. Stuns and Mezzes and Dazes kept landing through resist auras. We were spamming shatters as best we could. It was hectic. It was chaos. It was fun.

I did the 142 heroic before the patch. One of the few teams to do it. Here is an idea of how that fight went.

Tank: taunts and auras up. Now to just click ca every now and then.
Dps: Recast dds and auras up. Now to just click ca every now and then.
Me: Recast dds and auras up. Now to just click ca every now and then.

It was exciting in that we died a few times and it was for a record, but could I feel that passion and exhilaration vs a mere 106 boss before?

I had to cast without having time to chat. Before this only happened in 3v3 pvp. Which is why I love 3v3 pvp. The changes to bosses have made me be able to actually enjoy trying a group event PvE though. Rather than just looking at it as a chore for bragging rights.

So I really thank you for this patch. Rumors say that you may change bosses again. I don't know if they're true or not, but I personally love them as is.

Last edited by Blaze; 08-11-2018 at 02:37 PM..
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Old 08-11-2018, 04:35 PM   #2
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The heroic bosses will definitely not be nerfed. With the addition of the secret method for avoiding randoms, there's still a way to farm hero esses efficiently, and the lock of hair quest was reduced, so there's no more valid complaints from a hero boss nerf.
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Old 08-11-2018, 04:46 PM   #3
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Can we get a clarification? Do heroic mobs/bosses have a better chance of landing mez/stun/dazes through lucid/stoic/focused auras? Or do they just cast them like a machine gun? That thing in my video ripped through all my auras very quickly
Praise the hindu gods!
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Old 08-11-2018, 05:05 PM   #4
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They have special anti resist.
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