Endure XP from different resourcing
I think it's unfair that foraging, arguably the easiest and fastest resourcing gives my alt about 1.4k per pull in xp without any xp pens, and my main doing mining only gets 478 per pull, and about 180 when he cuts t30 ores, but I do not always cut them. I know other resourcing also gives low xp, such as dusts and gardening. Can you please fix this and make the xp reward for longer or hard minigames reflective upon them? usually, gardening gets bigger xp as it levels up since it takes longer, so why are they lower in this case? realistically they should all give on average a similar amount. but mining gives 3x less per pull, and cutting into geodes is not what most people do.
Can you explain why foraging gets such a massive xp boost when it's so easy to do? I do not want to forage on both my accounts, I think this should be looked into and changed to be reflective of how long or hard a minigame usually is.