Is making epic items an exploit?
I've had numerous discussions over the last few months with people (and seen other peoples opinions voiced) about this subject. Seems like the community is split on this and would like some opinions posted here.
It is possible to make low level epics for a little profit when you sell to the store. It is incredibly time consuming, but it is something that I didn't mind doing from time to time to 'mix it' up a little bit. I stopped doing this because of people noticing an abundance of epics popping up in the store and complaining. "People shouldn't make money not using RRT" and things like that. My concern is that by doing this, it will be seen as an exploit and I will be accused of exploiting something. After the whole Derinium Gem debacle (people making them on mass and the changes made to that gem value) I don't want to be seen as exploiting. Now sure, I could just sit in a high area in travel mode and just afk farm, in fact the profit is probably comparable, but for me it is more than just gold. I find resourcing pretty unfulfilling. I throw away most of what I find and that just isn't fun at all. I get more enjoyment out of using my lower tier resources for something (even if it is very little profit), it kinda makes the process more worthwhile.
I'd like to know what people think about this, in particular Glitch's stance on the matter. If its not okay to mass produce stuff to sell to store, then fine. Just want to know either way so I don't get into strife.