New player questions!
Old 03-28-2018, 02:01 PM   #1
Meep is offline
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Default New player questions!

Hi there! Started an account to see what the game was like, fell in love almost immediately. Before getting too deep into anything, I've a couple of questions I'd love to ask.

Class: I'm more interested in PvE than PvP, and the gem system has me itching to want to play some sort of spellcaster. I like the idea of being able to do a bit of everything when it comes to magic, and I really love debilitating and support sorts of effects. What options should I consider?

Server: Which of the two should I join? I'd prefer a more friendly/social community over anything else.

Thank you! I can't believe it took me so long to discover this game exists, I really wish I'd heard of it years and years ago.
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Old 03-28-2018, 02:08 PM   #2
Crab Defiler
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Would recommend adventurer for the class, you can reroll later after you have built up a bit of experience and having this class will help get you there faster. You can do anything as any class, but you do lose out on a class bonus.

Would definitely recommend server 1, server 2 has too few people.
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Old 03-28-2018, 03:38 PM   #3
Boss Hunter
Raidens is offline
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go to that link - it is useful for all new players, it will give you a lot of advice on certain things
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Old 03-28-2018, 03:52 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Raidens

go to that link - it is useful for all new players, it will give you a lot of advice on certain things
Hion being a Bae and linking my NBA for me ;o

Post your in game name here or pm Dragonstar and I can help answer any questions you have in afternoon-evening server times.
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Old 03-31-2018, 02:02 PM   #5
Meep is offline
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Thank you, I gave it a read and spent some time peeking over the forums! I really appreciate the guide, cleared up a lot of questions and gave some information the wiki was lacking.

Was left with a few questions, which I PMed to you (as Astraia) ... then realised later that I probably shouldn't have left the client open all night and half the day if I wanted to see any would-be responses. So I'm going to put them here as well!

I've been poking along, leveling and playing with things, and decided I think I'd like to go a DoT caster route. As a new player, would it be better to go staff or archery with that? I know you mention in your guide that you haven't done the doublecast archer DoT sort of build, but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask your opinion.

And with that in mind, which classes should I consider? My first thought was a pairing between Druid, Ranger, or Jeweler, but I figure I might be missing other options.

One last tiny thing, do both primary and secondary classes affect stat experience rates, or just primary?

Thank you so much!
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Old 03-31-2018, 06:46 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Meep
Thank you, I gave it a read and spent some time peeking over the forums! I really appreciate the guide, cleared up a lot of questions and gave some information the wiki was lacking.

Was left with a few questions, which I PMed to you (as Astraia) ... then realised later that I probably shouldn't have left the client open all night and half the day if I wanted to see any would-be responses. So I'm going to put them here as well!

I've been poking along, leveling and playing with things, and decided I think I'd like to go a DoT caster route. As a new player, would it be better to go staff or archery with that? I know you mention in your guide that you haven't done the doublecast archer DoT sort of build, but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask your opinion.

And with that in mind, which classes should I consider? My first thought was a pairing between Druid, Ranger, or Jeweler, but I figure I might be missing other options.

One last tiny thing, do both primary and secondary classes affect stat experience rates, or just primary?

Thank you so much!
At lower levels casting really is highly underpowered, especially for a new player, even with a face, and having time cards to get gear, I wouldn't recommend it. At end game... it's really good.

To advance in the game it is advised to do 3 playthroughs, to utilise rerollers boon to get learning skills higher from the xp buff. I think you would do best starting as a melee, or a bow user, both are very good low level, casting from lvl 60 onwards is my advised level for that, bows are viable up till then. But unless you have double cast gear, archery dots are not amazing, best to go staff dot, or staff dd
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Old 04-01-2018, 09:11 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Meep
Thank you, I gave it a read and spent some time peeking over the forums! I really appreciate the guide, cleared up a lot of questions and gave some information the wiki was lacking.

Was left with a few questions, which I PMed to you (as Astraia) ... then realised later that I probably shouldn't have left the client open all night and half the day if I wanted to see any would-be responses. So I'm going to put them here as well!

I've been poking along, leveling and playing with things, and decided I think I'd like to go a DoT caster route. As a new player, would it be better to go staff or archery with that? I know you mention in your guide that you haven't done the doublecast archer DoT sort of build, but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask your opinion.

And with that in mind, which classes should I consider? My first thought was a pairing between Druid, Ranger, or Jeweler, but I figure I might be missing other options.

One last tiny thing, do both primary and secondary classes affect stat experience rates, or just primary?

Thank you so much!
1st. Only primary affects stat exp. The +/- are rather minor in the grand scale of the game anywho.

2nd. You prefer PvE so in the long run you'll want dcdot.

3rd. Go archer at low levels. Staff dd is a lot of extra skills at cap so may be more work than it's worth. I'd personally stay pure archer the entire time. Once you get some lgs I'd start incorporating DoTs.

4th. Classes. You have two routes here. The slow tedious one where you're better in long run (not for the impatient)
or the faster route but more grind at cap. It's less vexing but you'll have a lot more work.

Note: Any time I use the word all I mean everything that is practical ie no epic skills and stop quests at a reasonable point. (Get help on boss quests up to 127 if you can though.)

Route 1: Like Raidens mentioned. Rerolling. When you reroll you get triple exp and trophies until you reach your former max exp.
Step 1: So you cap this first time. Do all quests. (Focus learning exp on Cultivation, Advanced Learning, Squirehood, Arcane Research, and Companionship in that order. Only raise them until they're all 85-90. Unless they're all in penalties. Then raise whatever). Get all trophy skills to 85. You'll have 60-65b boon at a guess.
Step 2: Reroll to Adventurer/Trapper. Trapper to cap your first resourcing skill. It'll be a cornerstone of your income in the future. Doesn't matter which resourcing skill. Just pick one you don't find overly tedious. Do all quests. Raise the 5 learning skills I mentioned earlier until they're 90. Then start raising everything else. (On the following rerolls only raise trophy skills as needed. Otherwise reroll the instant your resourcing/crafting skills are capped and you got quests done).
Step 3: Reroll to Adventurer/Craftsman. Cap 2-4 Crafting/Artistry skills. Whatever your patience permits. Again do all quests. Ideally your learning skills should all be 90+ by end of this (that's a guess) and you'll have a lot easier time in nod. (Townwalking strongly recommended while still adventurer but honestly it's not a major difference. Chip away at it over time.)
Step 4: By now you know enough about the game you can choose your own classes instead of listening to other idiots like me on forums or in civil Maybe you'll decide you don't even want to be dot anymore. Then you got 60b exp and all learnings 90ish approx. You can do anything with that base.

Route 2: Druid/Necromancer is my personal recommendation (Poisons are both green and black). (This recommendation may be wrong but focuses on damage the most). Get those as your classes. Cap. Raise only the trophy skills that affect you. There will be no rerolling here (optionally could raise trash skills then reroll just once to have boon to cap your main skills. No adventurer or anything here.)
And that's it. Spend your quests wisely as you'll have low learnings until you eventually reroll so exp gains will be painful.
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Old 04-01-2018, 02:05 PM   #8
Meep is offline
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Thank you both so much! It helps a lot. I think I'll continue as Adventurer for at least a bit longer before deciding which route I'd like to go.
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