Nod community contests
Old 01-31-2018, 03:02 PM   #1
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Default Nod community contests

I?m still new to the game so I don?t know if this is something that?s been done before, but I thought perhaps hosting Nod community contests could be a way to engage the player base a bit. After looking through the forums it seems like ?faces? are a big deal for some reason. How about a design a new face for nod contest? Perhaps design a new pet, mob, zone background, or item? Maybe the winner of whatever contest could eventually see their idea implemented in-game, or win some in-game item. I know nod has been around awhile so I don?t know if there are plans to keep adding to it or if it?s in the sunset stage, but going on the assumption that nod still has plans for the future I think finding ways to keep the community involved could never hurt.
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Old 02-01-2018, 07:10 PM   #2
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Check out and drop a follow, i constantly giveaway millions of gold pieces and time cards and etc.

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