buffed version of taunt, applies listless to self like many other lgs, applies fading to teammates which is indeed different; other than that, this is a high end 3v3 pvp with a healer in team, and since 3v3 tend to have a healer, there's not much "versatility", just buffs :[
coagulate and hammer of unity are more viable tho, but it's a bit hard to say that we want "more stronger versions of already existing gems" :[
p.s. since it's not uptierable, you can have only 4, so by the time you draw it even with deft, 4 of them won't make much of a difference to a fight compared to regular taunts, in my opinion
p.p.s. making more lgs viable and more actual versatility would be great :[
p.p.p.s. samurai bow is a great example of both viability (samurai armor) and versatility (tanks can choose whether they go full tank, or do some dmg with samurai)