New Beastmaster looking for advice
Old 01-26-2018, 04:41 PM   #1
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Posts: 19
Default New Beastmaster looking for advice

Hello all, I am a new player with a few days gameplay under my belt. I chose my first character to be a Beastmaster and down the road plan on its secondary to be vampire. Currently I am stuck at the 3rd boss named fanged newt I believe. Is it normal for a Beastmaster to have difficulty at this early stage of the game? I have my Beastmaster skill at 10 so I can equip a rat ?if? I can ever get to the 3rd town in order to buy one.
Here is what I?m focusing on:
-all beast master skills
-learning skills via passive
-sorcery and green magic for some healing and dots.

Anyhow any tips on this class/class combo? Thanks.
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