Buy X option
Old 01-10-2018, 10:19 AM   #1
Gem Pouch Expert
Joanna is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 496
Default Buy X option

So i was wondering if it's possible to allow to buy more than 105 items at once from the store.

For example : you sending your mule to t1 to get loads of t1 or t2 resins needed for your potions...

So instead select x put 105 drag , drop repeat 10-15 times we could enter 1050 and 10 stacks of 105 would appear in inventory then we could recall our mule near out production town.

Not exploitable - just convenient greatly reducing repetition in certain cases.

A safe guard could be implemented if value of purchase exceed 100k to prevent unintentional purchases of expensive items
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