Skill suggestion thread
Old 01-04-2018, 07:50 AM   #1
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Default Skill suggestion thread

As whole thread was removed yesterday due numerous reasons , let's try to keep it realistic and clean so no threads needs to be removed and more people banned.

My first pick mostly because mobile playing:

Double decker

Lvl 60 social or artistry skill.

This skill allows 1% (per lvl) of your maximum stacking to overflow to second stack while downtiering.
At lvl 100 you would be able to downtier whole stack without any potential losses.

Reason: with mobile devices splitting stacks is an extra hassle. Ability to move whole stack without splitting would simplify mobile play.

We can uptier stack of 104 and it would make sense to be able to downtier 105 without losses . It would simplify mobile crafting and make it more viable vs computer users

Last edited by Joanna; 01-04-2018 at 07:53 AM..
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Old 01-04-2018, 09:42 AM   #2
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:{ no issues with it.
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Old 01-04-2018, 01:38 PM   #3
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A resourcing skill for high areas like, "Bing T", to work in a similar way as BGT and MC.

Resource prices are higher on s2 then they are on s1 atm.

This skill would bring balance and the use of more areas already in Nod.
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Old 01-04-2018, 01:41 PM   #4
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If your play style is to farm high areas it will help even things out. As of now u get less gold and resourcing is not worth doing in high areas.
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Old 01-04-2018, 02:34 PM   #5
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Support Double Decker as an artistry skill because I believe social would be too easy to level up.

No support for Big T. While Big T would be a huge help for s2 it would absolutely wreck s1. Sometimes you have to choose between resources and gold/trophies.
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Old 01-04-2018, 02:48 PM   #6
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It is not a choose between gold and resources, u get less gold in high areas then boss farming. The choose is between playing / farming how I enjoy, my play style and playing how I do not enjoy. The only thing it will hurt on s1 are those groups of shared toons that use a farming Bots to resource. It will help players on s1 that manually farm and resource.
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Old 01-04-2018, 02:56 PM   #7
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While on the subject of gold in high areas it may be worth while to increase the % of gold given in high area farming from MC.
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Old 01-04-2018, 09:53 PM   #8
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I manually resource and this skill would destroy how I make my gold. Resourcing.
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Old 01-04-2018, 11:45 PM   #9
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would kill the market. if you wanna do super long afk fights. good for you don't try to ruin resourcing for the people who actually do it every 30 seconds or so in low lvl area's so you can play less and earn moar
fisherman avenger!
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Old 01-05-2018, 12:49 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Pale
It is not a choose between gold and resources, u get less gold in high areas then boss farming. The choose is between playing / farming how I enjoy, my play style and playing how I do not enjoy. The only thing it will hurt on s1 are those groups of shared toons that use a farming Bots to resource. It will help players on s1 that manually farm and resource.
It is a choice. Hasn't glitch said before that this isn't going to happen so stop asking?

If you truly believe, and I mean TRULY BELIEVE in your idea, then my advice is to get some hard numbers and stats for people to look at and debate. Stop saying "I do this so I want this in return" and talk about how certain aspects could change and draw in more people. Think about how your suggestion is going to affect the resource market, the TC market, the LG market, and most importantly how it is going to affect Glitch's bottom dollar.

If you continue to beat the same dead horse then you will continue to get the same "no support" from the majority. If you instead take time to write out a decent proposal then you just may be able to swing some opinions. Best of luck in your endeavors.
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Old 01-05-2018, 10:08 AM   #11
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Tharkas is absolutely right Pale.

You need to modify your idea if you wanna see it through.

For example :

because in lower zones it's easy to nearly insta kill heroic monsters and have +1 tier to resourcess , I propose skill that scales with mob level that grants chance of double drop while resourcing.

This skill (aka Big T) would stack with hot zone bonuses but not with arena bonus (higher bonus would take priority)

Reason: high zones are usually farmed in normal mode as heroic is way too hard for 99% of players and quantity bonus would partially make up for lack +1 tier from heroic and lengthy fights therefore less attempts per x rested time.

It's a raw idea stating what it would do , why it would be beneficial and not exploitable at he same time (breaking economy)

Your concept is good just shape it into Nodiatis reality.
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Old 01-05-2018, 03:13 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Joanna
Tharkas is absolutely right Pale.

You need to modify your idea if you wanna see it through.

For example :

because in lower zones it's easy to nearly insta kill heroic monsters and have +1 tier to resourcess , I propose skill that scales with mob level that grants chance of double drop while resourcing.

This skill (aka Big T) would stack with hot zone bonuses but not with arena bonus (higher bonus would take priority)

Reason: high zones are usually farmed in normal mode as heroic is way too hard for 99% of players and quantity bonus would partially make up for lack +1 tier from heroic and lengthy fights therefore less attempts per x rested time.

It's a raw idea stating what it would do , why it would be beneficial and not exploitable at he same time (breaking economy)

Your concept is good just shape it into Nodiatis reality.
As someone who HAS done high lvl farming/heroic farming i gotta say any bonus like this would be very bad for nod.

Your thinking of bonus's to make high lvl farming appealing but the issue is its already as good if not better then low end farming.

1. Gold. Even mob farming you have the chance of equal or higher rushs that you get below fungai, ( 1.5mil range).

2. Trophies. Boon or not sitting 1 square out of andol or draak is easily the best way to feed xp to toons. On top of this, selling trophies from these high zones is far more consistent (and will generally be higher) profits then lower lvl boss farming.

3. Heroics. On top of the trophies, gold chest and +1 to resource teir you get a PILE of heroics per kill. The increased kill time is easily made up for by the heroics made.

Yes you end up resourcing less however you already get so many benefits of doing high lvl farming there needs to be SOME sore of down side. Its not as if your not resourcing at all, you still get the chance to pull high teirs. Yes Not every toon is capable of doing high lvl farming but for the ones that are able, they dont need any more of a buff to continue outclassing weaker toons. Personally ive made far more burnign tcs in FONR then i ever did off burning them on any boss, it takes more work (moving trophies) but the benefits and profits are there if you want them.
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Old 01-05-2018, 05:28 PM   #13
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Thanks Freaky

I see it from different perspective now as it would affect "end-game" players.

There is 1 thing I would like to add :

As bonus would not stack with arena bonus , people who are not into pvp would have an option to level this skill and get chance to get lucky pull once in a while.

Its probably coming to the value of % gained from the skill...

If its 5-10% range at max - it wouldn't bother anyone as its easy to achieve higher with arena but if it was 50% + range they would be most beneficial for strongest players.

You right rich gets richer and strong get stronger faster.

At the moment i'm unable to come up with any idea where players would be able to make things more challenging to increase their reward that could not be even bigger advantage for strongest players.

The only way for now is to invest in mongo and do quick fights for more pulls

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