arena rush
Old 05-19-2017, 10:39 AM   #1
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Default arena rush

ok time to bring back the eagerly awaited thread about rush..... glitch you have to do something about the army of op capped toons tht suddenly start arenaing as soon as rush is announced.
it is so wrong and unfair on the people tht arena all season and work hard just to have the reward taken away from them by the stupidly op toons tht know they only have to arena for 1 week and get top 30. how are people supposed to challenge and get stronger without having a cat in hells chance against stupidly op toons.
maybe an idea would be any toon tht doesnt do a certain amount of arena a week should be removed from arena and put a time limit on joining. you cant join a month before rush or something like tht.
i know this thread has come up sooooo many times before but..... humour me lol
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Old 05-19-2017, 02:59 PM   #2
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Now I think everyone can agree the reason why there are rushers is because people as myself don't have time to try in arena for 6 months.
It's been suggested to cut the time of arena in half as well as the prizes. Glitch has turned that down multiple times though I don't think he saw the part about cutting prizes.

The only way maybe to stop this is if either...
1:Smaller arena durations
2:remove rush week
3: no one can que under x amount of total matches on rush week
(But then again people do get aggravated after a long time of arena).

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Old 05-19-2017, 08:14 PM   #3
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Question. If the rushers arena full season.. Can you beat them? If not... Would you still have a chance in hell at top 30? Or would your ranking remain the same either way. Behind the people who stomp you. You guys just keep trying to eliminate the people who can't dedicate months of their lives to a silly competition :{ if they actually dedicated the same time as you the result would be the same. Instead of big losses at once you'd face small losses keeping you down for months on end.
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Old 05-20-2017, 04:10 AM   #4
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Old 05-20-2017, 12:02 PM   #5
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Burn the rushers !!!!!!!
Originally Posted by danielrox
omg i tiered my lod to t2 then to t3 but it gave me smaller? can i plz get a new one that works or a full refund in cash? ty in advance
Originally Posted by Turkeygoesmoo
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Old 05-20-2017, 07:29 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Blaze
Question. If the rushers arena full season.. Can you beat them? If not... Would you still have a chance in hell at top 30? Or would your ranking remain the same either way. Behind the people who stomp you. You guys just keep trying to eliminate the people who can't dedicate months of their lives to a silly competition :{ if they actually dedicated the same time as you the result would be the same. Instead of big losses at once you'd face small losses keeping you down for months on end.
I don't think that's accurate,the complaint isn't that X guy beats me, more that if X guy is ten times the toon I am why the **** should I lose 18 rating to him? If he dedicated the same time to arena as I do, he'd have significantly higher rating and I'd lose 0 to him.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
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Old 05-20-2017, 09:41 PM   #7
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The rank would remain the same either way mostly. Question would be if anyone actually gets knocked out of a temper tier by it. Does anyone lose hundreds of rating they can't make back to get knocked below say 2k rating? Only the the one reasonably high people would be several impacted..the people around me 500 rating won't lose a ton. So the 2k and 1500 ratings would be the nervous ones.

A way people would likely protest that would solve it is you start at a default rating based on last season's ranking if you start after a certain point. Say arena Champs 1800 title contenders 1600 gladiators 1500 etc. This would keep rush for the people with a life and only the top seeds before rush would suffer. Because... It has to be faced that glitch has nerfed rush. Even if he removed it entirely.. He will always need to announce the seasons end. Do you guys really think 1.2x rating is that crucial? Rush works because people steal rating. Not because of the silly boost. Even at normal rating gains.. Rushers would still do it at the end of season. (well maybe some weaker rushers who aren't sure they can beat basically everyone wouldn't. But the strong ones would) Not everyone can afford to spend 5 months of their life for an online competition. And you may say glitch can just end arena suddenly. But how sour would a team be if it was a close race for first place? They'd accuse glitch 'boo boo he blesses more than me so you ended arena while he was ahead of me. I could have beat him if arena was a couple days longer'. So arena will likely always have an end date announced with notice so no one can cry. Even setting champ aside everyone who was about to enter a new prize or temper tier would be sour.

Last edited by Blaze; 05-20-2017 at 09:46 PM..
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Old 05-21-2017, 07:11 PM   #8
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i love these posts but like the winner should be the strongest toon not the most commited player its simple as that glitch already did something about the gains in rush week cut them in half or something idr. i love the fact every season someone is mad cause they get knocked out of a spot they dont deserve cause they have no life and managed to get in there before rush

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Old 05-22-2017, 02:02 PM   #9
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Rushers put in 12+ hr days of queing. Some even take off work for it. Sounds like no life to me, while non rushers que when its convenient or fun for them during the season.

Rushers are simply ppl who can't handle the losses of a season. They wait for the end because there is fewer losses and they can use other peoples work to propel themselves faster. It's the American way.

To avoid queing for months and foregoing the double drop bonus is completely stupid. People just get too butthurt to lose and make excuses, oh I didn't try, I didn't do this or that, I didn't have my blanket, etc. Excuses. Put up or shutup.

Rushers will die off anyway as the playerbase equipment/skills evens out and rng keeps all top toons beatable. Just look at the few dotter rushers who already raged and/or gave up.

The only two things stupid about rushing is how u hurt your chars all season without the double drop bonus, and the potential to lose more than they gain. If you lose 25, give them the 25.

Otherwise, keep losing months of bonus for the tc's and epeen boost. Meanwhile the bonus would have earned u those tc's over the few months u were dodging.
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Old 05-22-2017, 02:30 PM   #10
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Hmmm there is thing called slow rating that Noone can take away from you ....

So yes some might loose 18+ rating to someone who just started but they cannot fall below certain value.

Pve tempers would take away all the anger and only real pvp people would compete for glory...

My 2 cents. ..
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