Rushers put in 12+ hr days of queing. Some even take off work for it. Sounds like no life to me, while non rushers que when its convenient or fun for them during the season.
Rushers are simply ppl who can't handle the losses of a season. They wait for the end because there is fewer losses and they can use other peoples work to propel themselves faster. It's the American way.
To avoid queing for months and foregoing the double drop bonus is completely stupid. People just get too butthurt to lose and make excuses, oh I didn't try, I didn't do this or that, I didn't have my blanket, etc. Excuses. Put up or shutup.
Rushers will die off anyway as the playerbase equipment/skills evens out and rng keeps all top toons beatable. Just look at the few dotter rushers who already raged and/or gave up.
The only two things stupid about rushing is how u hurt your chars all season without the double drop bonus, and the potential to lose more than they gain. If you lose 25, give them the 25.
Otherwise, keep losing months of bonus for the tc's and epeen boost. Meanwhile the bonus would have earned u those tc's over the few months u were dodging.