I'll counter the complexity of your soulbound change with this:
Have an overarching main login account, within which you can select any accounts associated with that main login, provided you know the individual passwords to each account. Within these accounts, you can trade soulbound items between them, since they are all your accounts. To make this less likely to be abused, you have to login to each already made account, and link it to the main login by ensuring the email associated with both, match. This would also allow for better following of account trading and abuse.
How can this be abused? People making new accounts and trading legendaries to those new toons, and then trading the toons.
Preventative effort: The first account a toon is associated with, is the only account that the toon can freely trade SB items on, and if it changes the main-account association and returns, it cannot resume cost-free SB trade.
Another change, any accounts on the same email address require no unsb cost to trade items between, this can be abused by people sitting accounts and changing addresses (not readily abusive because it takes 7 days to change e-mail address).