Clan Message Inclusion
Old 04-24-2017, 11:47 PM   #1
Gem Pouch Expert
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Default Clan Message Inclusion

Couldn't find this previously asked for...

Currently: Clan stats gives info like RP, Dom, Terr, Alignment, Warring Clans and Members Online.

Super simple and small thing: Include the current clan message in the that list of info.

At the moment it is needed to hard log out and log back in to the see the clan message at a random time (like is needed to clear the craft memory on the rod for stones). It's not game changer or keep people from playing type thing; It's just slightly obnoxious to need to log out and back in just for a message.

-- Yes, I realize some will wonder 'you can see it when it's changed.' For someone who leaves the window open 24/7 until something crashes, I don't always get to see the notification that the message was changed (changed while I'm at work, but chats pushed the notifier out of view).


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