Legendary Pilgrimage
Nodiatis is a game that is all about pushing the boundaries. Whether it be maxing skills, grinding x8 tempers, insanely uptiering your LGs, or finishing all 5 pilgrimages. This was an idea I had that is insanely tasking that could let players finally reach level 100.
The Legendary Pilgrimage
This pilgrimage would work slightly differently. To be able to undertake this daunting task you would have to have already completed all 5 epic pilgrimages, be over 100+ billion experience, and possibly even 100% epic hp bonus. After having met all the criteria you would be able to ask the seer to initiate your final pilgrimage. This could even be a good time to insert more princess story line.
As you click to accept you inevitable fate I would imagine the screen fades to black as the seer drives his dagger through your heart, sending you back to Castille, but wait something is different now. Not only have your 4 primary stat skills been reset, but so have ALL YOUR STAT SKILL AND TROPHY BASED SKILLS.
This would cause all your items to become unequipped.
Most of you that have read this far probably just went "Nope, stupid. No support." This is where the pilgrimage takes a few more twists. While on this Legendary Pilgrimage you would still receive trophies, mobs would now be 85-100 levels higher than normal (whatever would be balanced), and you'd then be faced with a final twist that would push even the strongest of nodders over the edge.... All your skills have become Epic Skills.
Nothing about this is supposed to be easy, it will truly seperate the "Gods among Men" from everyone else. As you fight and grind your way back up, through blood, sweat, and tears your new target would be level 100. After reaching level 100 all your skills would revert back to normal experience needed to level them, no more epic skills for everything.
So what would be the reward, besides being THE MOST ELITE in nod and having level 100? I think a fair, and fitting, reward would be 1 new skill unlocked in every skill tree once you hit 100. Not sure what they would be, but basically yay more skills.
Any ideas or input from you all would be appreciated.
Edit 1: love qratos idea of no group while on pilgrimage
Last edited by Tharkas; 04-21-2017 at 09:25 AM..