Dungeon revamp
Old 04-19-2017, 02:24 AM   #1
Boss Hunter
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Default Dungeon revamp

Those of you who have known me a while may have heard me at one time or another complain at how Nod's 'dungeons' are an insult to dungeons.

Glitch. Is there any chance dungeons could be revamped? In a way to give an actual maze or something? (To fix for subsequent visitors could change it back to a straight line after you kill the boss. Maybe add a 'dungeon mode' toggle so you can keep doing the dungeon afterwards for farming and such).

Whether the same path every time so wiki adds it or making it random and change every time a group enters... I just really want Nod dungeons to actually feel like dungeons rather than a silly hole in the ground >.> Dungeon exploring was always my favorite part of RPGs... ...Also my least favorite because of random tedious minigame puzzles but still overall enjoyable

Could even revamp dungeons to include minigames somehow. Make them basically a separate mode from the current rather uniform pve? There are dungeons for basically every level so making them unique would add some spice to pve life if it was special enough.

Maybe add chests in the maze where you can loot random uncommon/rare gear (perhaps 0.5% chance for an epic? Depending on # of chests may need to be lower).

Perhaps squares where they find resources randomly (this one would be unique. They play the mini game for whatever type of resources it is with no tool required The resource goes by zone level alone though and randomly picks a tier out of the ones it can get (unaffected by heroic/compass/epic tools/mongo) This way even say a forager can randomly find t30 ore in dungeon of ruin.)

I'm just spitballing ideas here. Is there any hope to ever get a dungeon revamp glitch? If anyone has other ideas to make dungeons different feel free to add them. Though likely this thread won't be implemented so don't spend too long thinking of one

Last edited by Blaze; 04-19-2017 at 11:36 AM..
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