Gem buffer period
Old 04-08-2017, 10:13 AM   #1
Boss Hunter
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Default Gem buffer period

You've all likely had this happen at one time or another. 'C'mon gem. C'mon. I need you! YAY it came up" *lag* "That gem is no longer in the slot specified."

I assume this is made like this to prevent people from holding 1 gem forever waiting for shatter. Like say sacrigenesis.

Is there any way there can be a 1.5-2 second buffer period? Where if you click the gem (so it only works while in hand) even if it would normally change you have that long to use it? And the next gem won't come up before it gets used? After the time is up it just goes poof.

I'm not really expecting this patch to be implemented but if it was it would be nice to skip an occasional 'damn it lag'.

And don't say use hotkeys. Can lag and hotkeys pulls out next gem instead. ...Escaped a couple times that way by mistake.. >.> And hotkeys wouldn't help mobile users either.

Last edited by Blaze; 04-08-2017 at 10:16 AM..
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Old 04-08-2017, 07:53 PM   #2
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There already is a 1.5 second grace period between the time a gem is replaced in your draw slot by the new gem and the time you can place the gem that was previously there into play, like if you had it still on your cursor. It's not enough to compensate for someone getting a significant lag spike, but it helps with slower connections and reaction time issues.
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Old 04-08-2017, 10:07 PM   #3
Boss Hunter
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So it was already implemented.. rip x.x well thanks for the reply glitch.
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