Tips for returning player - Vampire or Warlock wanted |
04-06-2017, 01:00 PM
Gibreel is offline
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 2
Tips for returning player - Vampire or Warlock wanted
Hello everyone, good to be back at Nodiatis after so long.
I always played Nodiatis on a really casual basis, mainly because I never had the time to understand the more complex aspects of the game (or someone to teach them to me).
Right now I'm feeling a bit nostalgious so I wanted some help, and short/long term tips for a character. My main doubt is about the stats distribution as I don't know what I'll be facing later on in the game. I'm exclusively PvE and a free player, prefering damage-dealing builds.
As a Warlock:
- I'm getting some help reading the Spell Caster's Guide some threads below, it's really really useful but I wanted to know the ideal distribution of core stats and what should I be looking for, and if I should totally ignore everything besides death and white magic.
- How should I distribute my points towards HP/Energy/Mana? What would be my priority here?
- Although I like to be a loner, besides Group Accumen, is there anything I should train to not be so useless in a party?
- Last but not least, what should be my routine training? Besides the skills I have to level up, should I keep my magic 3 levels higher than melee/defense/recovery, and only focus on INT and CNC?
As a Vampire:
- Never played like one. Although I tend to look for 2H Weapons as a high damage output, I guess the healing factor of a Vampire would benefit from DPS, so a dual wielding piercer would be ideal? Or should I start as two-handed and change my strategy for later game?
- As a melee fighter I guess my skills would be less distributed than a caster, that means this would be a stronger/easier path to take?
- Again, I'm guessing the final stats should highly favour Melee and Defense, but what about Magic? Any use for Recovery here?
Keep in mind I'm accepting suggestions for different builds and classes, those are just my main preferences.
Thank you a lot for anyone that reads this, I know I'm asking a lot. Chances are that I end up making both chars so I can take up to two referral links (if that's still a thing).
Hope I can see you all there and that you're having a nice day.
04-06-2017, 01:46 PM
Boss Hunter
Blaze is offline
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Originally Posted by Gibreel
Hello everyone, good to be back at Nodiatis after so long.
I always played Nodiatis on a really casual basis, mainly because I never had the time to understand the more complex aspects of the game (or someone to teach them to me).
Right now I'm feeling a bit nostalgious so I wanted some help, and short/long term tips for a character. My main doubt is about the stats distribution as I don't know what I'll be facing later on in the game. I'm exclusively PvE and a free player, prefering damage-dealing builds.
As a Warlock:
- I'm getting some help reading the Spell Caster's Guide some threads below, it's really really useful but I wanted to know the ideal distribution of core stats and what should I be looking for, and if I should totally ignore everything besides death and white magic.
Red magic is your bff. Green magic has second best damage to compliment so you focus on mana. Honestly at low levels I'd go archer or crusher then at cap switch to staves then finally switch back to archer for the 'double cast DD build'. Tinyurl.com/nodsacademy has a bit on that. A basic rundown though: it is one of the top pve builds in the game. If we go by cost vs effectiveness it's the top build likely. Beastmaster can surpass it after spending an ungodly amount of gold but this is the top build for PvE ignoring spending 10 digits worth of gold. It is far superior to staff DD hence going archer after staff to get you settled.
- How should I distribute my points towards HP/Energy/Mana? What would be my priority here?
You can easily ignore the the Durability stat as long as you keep your armor half decent, but if you feel you're too squishy get to ~ 150-209 Dur. You can lower it later in the game when you get alternatives to Dur for hp. Energy can mostly be ignored if you go melee/archery low levels and Mana DD (red/green) at cap. Mana if you go the way I said will mostly be covered by cap gear so don't need much Mst.
- Although I like to be a loner, besides Group Accumen, is there anything I should train to not be so useless in a party?
Not many team skills for DD. Shared bliss under life magic perhaps. Or make a heal pouch with heal skills for dire situations. Shared bliss helps even when solo.
- Last but not least, what should be my routine training? Besides the skills I have to level up, should I keep my magic 3 levels higher than melee/defense/recovery, and only focus on INT and CNC?
As a cap archer DD I have magic and recovery ~ 140 rest in defense for the Cnt stat. Relying on tempers/epic HP/affinitae skill (alternatives to Dur at cap) I've got 19k hp with 107 Dur. Hence mentioning Dur is less needed. My 140 recovery is 100% focused on Mre since archer dders have high Mre requirements. (Even at 981 Mre I wish I had more xD) At Low levels I personally recommend archer. Archer shares stats with DDs (Int/Cnc). And the skills become useful after you can afford to go archer DD. Also archer is a solid build for non caps. Aim for 70ish melee in Dex. 140 magic in Cnc/int. Some balance between defense/recovery that makes you comfortable. Once you go staff DD at cap you got the option of redistributing melee from Dex to Str to help staff damage. Or you can lower melee and raise recovery for more dding. When you go archer DD you'll wanna ditch the melee entirely though. For further questions on double cast DD either read the NBA, post here, or pm me in game (Blaze)
As a Vampire:
- Never played like one. Although I tend to look for 2H Weapons as a high damage output, I guess the healing factor of a Vampire would benefit from DPS, so a dual wielding piercer would be ideal? Or should I start as two-handed and change my strategy for later game?
Most vamps are secondary classes. Blackpanther is a talented vampire primary if you wish to inspect him on server one. He uses the slash/pierce combo weapons. Mostly imo vamp is best as a secondary class for Beastmaster.
- As a melee fighter I guess my skills would be less distributed than a caster, that means this would be a stronger/easier path to take?
Easier yes. Melee will be a slower farmer at cap. BM will need a lot of gold to match Warlock.
- Again, I'm guessing the final stats should highly favour Melee and Defense, but what about Magic? Any use for Recovery here?
Melee can just focus on melee and defense yeah. Recovery and magic depend on what you wanna do. Some Mre to upkeep melee auras may help
Keep in mind I'm accepting suggestions for different builds and classes, those are just my main preferences.
Thank you a lot for anyone that reads this, I know I'm asking a lot. Chances are that I end up making both chars so I can take up to two referral links (if that's still a thing).
Hope I can see you all there and that you're having a nice day.
Tinyurl.com/nodsacademy may help with some questions.
Referral links are a thing but not much difference if you have one or two. Goes by how much you spend on your accounts for the guy whose referral you use, or how much the party you recruit spends.
Last edited by Blaze; 04-07-2017 at 01:20 PM..
04-07-2017, 07:41 PM
Gibreel is offline
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 2
Double cast DD archer
http://forums.nodiatis.com/forums/sh...ad.php_t=19472 A related thread.
Primary class: Warlock
Secondary class: I personally recommend Wizard. There are alternatives you can use if you wish.
How to build: Level as a pure archer until cap. Melee for Dex. Be aware you'll end up deleveling it at cap though. So go as sparingly as possible. Magic: I personally prefer 600 Int 400 CNC at cap. So I'd focus on Int more than CNC. Defense: a solid 400 CNT never hurt anyone. Dur is a stat that you'll need at the start but be as sparing as you can. Recovery: This is your most important stat. If your recovery sucks you suck. I personally have 969 mre. If possible I'd get 1200+ mre. Sadly it's not. All your enchanting stones should be +40 Mre (or as big as they can take). Your stats should be 140 levels in Mre. The reason your enchanting stones should be Mre is so you can be flexible with Recovery and redistribute for some regen if you choose to farm higher end (110+).
Gear at cap: zirc or spellbound helm. Whatever tickles your fancy. Raiden is also an option for magic stats. 1% lower mana regeneration proc tho.
Breastplates: low end spellbound high end Demonskull seems to be the general consensus.
Arms/legs: Raiden.
Melee weapon slot: Fang Spear of Conjuration for DPS. (That hit chance proc is godly. Ignore the lower double cast proc compared to say dual Beguiler Blades. After all. Do not forget your CNC will be far lower than a staff dder, and even for staff DD their hit rate sucks in 100+ zones.) To be more tanky PvP/PvE Lick of Death+Hellram Shield is a usual setup.
Quiver: Opalescence Quiver
Arrow: Fateseal PvE. Degeneration PvP.
Bow: Bow of the Siren with LoD+Hellram. Thraki's Fury with Fang Spear.
Optional: Whip of Irresolution instead of Lick of Death. If you get it use Thraki's Fury instead of Siren.
Irresolution is newer so less used than the classic LoD.
Pets: Timmies to Regen for 110+. Stalkers for survivability 100-110 & 95+ bosses.
Slow Loris/Mongo the Sly low end for more mana Regen.
Is this the build you talk about? If so, I'll definitely follow it, raising the character as an archer looks interesting taking in consideration the things you said, and as I'd have to decide between crush and archer, I'll go with bows all the way.
So what I have to keep in mind basically is that I'll need a build highly based on Dex, a harmony between Int/Cnc and a whole lot to keep me up with Recovery. What will change when I reach cap? (reading the academy right now though, great work there)
Just a few more questions:
- What skills will be more relevant and what should I aim for first?
- I can't remember exactly but does it cost anything to delevel a status? It isn't like rerolling, right?
- And basically, can I wear all those equipments as a free player? Can they all be bought with in-game currency?
Thanks for the patience once more. If you want I'll wait for you referral, otherwise I'll drop a message in-game when I start. 
04-07-2017, 10:48 PM
Boss Hunter
Blaze is offline
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Originally Posted by Gibreel
Is this the build you talk about? If so, I'll definitely follow it, raising the character as an archer looks interesting taking in consideration the things you said, and as I'd have to decide between crush and archer, I'll go with bows all the way.
So what I have to keep in mind basically is that I'll need a build highly based on Dex, a harmony between Int/Cnc and a whole lot to keep me up with Recovery. What will change when I reach cap? (reading the academy right now though, great work there)
Once you officially go double cast DD the archery will have plenty of hit chance from gear alone. So you'd just switch melee to recovery. While leveling I'd ignore recovery for the most part. Pre cap I'd aim for like 70 130 60 80 (so can just leave recovery at level 1 til like the 60s). Then literally just move melee all to recovery and for the last 10 levels either more Cnc or more magic depending on your tastes.
Just a few more questions:
- What skills will be more relevant and what should I aim for first?
Stat skills: stat enhancement and mitigated penalty are very important.
Weaponry: level 1 two handed. Level 100 piercing. Can ignore til cap.
Archery: if it boosts DPS raise it. Ignore arrowrain. Flameshot/poison arrow/broadhead/snake tongue/shaft of death all will be rather lacking at cap so low priority. May wanna raise them casually while getting to cap though.
Protection: combat recovery and combat concentration are extremely important. Secondary important are null mind and impedance. Few others useful but not worth mentioning.
Life magic: green magic (for staff. When archer use pure reds) shared bliss. Eternity. Can ignore the rest. Mental conservation will help while using staff.
Death magic: diabolism; Red magic; destruction; inferno. (Raze is PvP only skill)
Oddly for a death magic user you use basically no death magic skills..
Psych magic: mind numbing; blue magic; grey magic; wizardry (50); gem handling; replenish; replay; perseverance; Mana vault; deft recovery. (Gem shattering is mildly useful but low end I basically never use it due to mostly resisting.
- I can't remember exactly but does it cost anything to delevel a status? It isn't like rerolling, right?
1k to redistribute stats. Then click X on window and delevel. Cost doubles every time you redistribute (max of 100,000).
- And basically, can I wear all those equipments as a free player? Can they all be bought with in-game currency?
There is nothing in nod that cannot be acquired as a free player. Even 'premium' status is sold in game as 'time cards'. They're currently selling for 1.5 million gold per though so it'll be hard for you to afford one at first. If you complete this build though you'll be able to farm one with just daily rested time (maybe 2 on good days).
Thanks for the patience once more. If you want I'll wait for you referral, otherwise I'll drop a message in-game when I start. 
https://nd1.nodiatis.com/?gKuKswkaK if you really wanna use it. Up to you though.
As for the skills to prioritize while they're all important DPS first :{ magic skills won't do much at low levels anyway so can raise whatever tickles your fancy. 99 red magic and capped Mana related skills will be a requirement at the start. Oh. a half decent staves level will help too. Double cast DD cannot be done properly without legendary rarity gear so even an uncommon staff/armor is likely better.
Last edited by Blaze; 04-07-2017 at 10:55 PM..
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