Fun math 2 |
03-30-2017, 12:34 PM
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Fun math 2
There is a popular theory in Nod. For a Beastmaster the best secondary class when archer is Dark Knight. When a melee Bm with Helkok Instigators, because of the low damage from Koks, the 10% boost to rabid (50>>55%) is considered more than the 4% pet boost from Dark Knight. Here is the math on that though.
t1 dragon arms/legs; demon bp; 2 koks; r6 pain; r5 rabid; capped skills; bm primary; dk secondary; crit; stats
t1 Stalker:
75*1.035*1.035*1.05*1.05*1.09*1.12*1.12*1.09*1.5*2 *2*1.25*1.24*1.04*1.5*1.5 = 2,872.819. If you run it on Nodtools you'll get 2873 with rounding.
Nodtools does not have an edit for Rabid when being a Necromancer primary however, and you cannot use 5% bonus in secondary class section because it increases rabid. It is not an additional damage muliplier. so everything the same but necro 2nd:
75*1.035*1.035*1.05*1.05*1.09*1.12*1.12*1.09*2*2*1 .25*1.24*1.5*1.5*1.55 (boosted rabid) = 2,854.404. Which rounds down to 2,854.
So despite the seemingly larger 5% from Necromancer, because it is not a separate multiplier like Dark Knight, it ends up being lower.
So unless you're group farming multiple bms and want the bonus maybe.. or use other black gems.. it isn't worth it.
Last edited by Blaze; 03-30-2017 at 01:06 PM..
03-30-2017, 12:37 PM
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Support, wait what??????????
03-30-2017, 12:39 PM
Seer's BFF
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Dark knight should not affect a netral aura , necromancer will affect the rabid aura since it is black and necromancer affects all black gems
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03-30-2017, 12:42 PM
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He's comparing the value of the dark knight damage buff (4%), against that gained from choosing necro for rabid (5% total to rabid).
Originally Posted by danielrox
omg i tiered my lod to t2 then to t3 but it gave me smaller? can i plz get a new one that works or a full refund in cash? ty in advance
Originally Posted by Turkeygoesmoo
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03-30-2017, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by NoRemorse
Dark knight should not affect a netral aura , necromancer will affect the rabid aura since it is black and necromancer affects all black gems
Dk gives 4% max pet damage. I never once mentioned Dk boosts rabid. Necro boosts rabid raising it to 55%. Hence *1.55 instead of 1.5*. Dk boosts pet damage itself. Hence a separate *1.04.
03-30-2017, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by NoRemorse
Dark knight should not affect a netral aura , necromancer will affect the rabid aura since it is black and necromancer affects all black gems
Blaze just worded it terrible at the start (at first look i thought he was doing something weird like that too)
As well, DK class never mentions max dmg, only damage. So unless its wrongly worded, its to avg dmg not max dmg.
03-30-2017, 01:01 PM
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Pain rune also doesn't mention max damage. Stats also do not mention boosting max damage. (mentioned increases chance to do full damage)
:{ going by how high i've hit with alas' dds... I know pain affects max, and stats do. If dk doesn't i'll be surprised.
Perhaps Pain and Dk are added last. As bonuses to the damage you're going to deal. So they boost all damage, and raise max.
@ the bad wording at the start.. sorry. This isn't the nba so I just assumed some people would know the effects classes have. Clearly I've been proven wrong. I'll word it like I'm explaining to newbies next time.
Last edited by Blaze; 03-30-2017 at 01:07 PM..
03-30-2017, 01:25 PM
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Not everyone lives in an English based country hence miscommunication is easily archieved
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03-30-2017, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Blaze
Pain rune also doesn't mention max damage. Stats also do not mention boosting max damage. (mentioned increases chance to do full damage)
:{ going by how high i've hit with alas' dds... I know pain affects max, and stats do. If dk doesn't i'll be surprised.
Perhaps Pain and Dk are added last. As bonuses to the damage you're going to deal. So they boost all damage, and raise max.
@ the bad wording at the start.. sorry. This isn't the nba so I just assumed some people would know the effects classes have. Clearly I've been proven wrong. I'll word it like I'm explaining to newbies next time.
Well for other CLASS bonus's it is distinguished between dmg and max dmg. Warrior 5% (up to 15%) bonus to MAX melee dmg, WM 3.5%(up to 10.5%) bonus to all melee dmg. DK wording is the same as WM hence the assumption that unless its worded wrongly and someone has tested it, its not to MAX dmg, but to avg dmg.
It rather funny how someone miss interprets wtf you are talking about (talking about DK class bonus and then a 10% boost to rabid aura with no mention of necro class till later) is other people's fault and not the one who wrote it and that you must immediately turn it hostile rather then just going "oops guess I was not clear"
03-30-2017, 02:31 PM
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Misinterprets is one word. Yes I tend to be annoyed when someone can't read. Brickk managed to figure it out. To quote someone in civil.. idr who.. 'as long as you get the meaning it's good enough'. idr who it was. Someone with horrible spelling.
Back to topic. You're just trying to argue at this point. Weapon master boosts all damage yes. Including max. Ranger could technically be worded as boosts all damage imo. It boosts both min and max. Warlock and Wizard also do not specify max damage, but we all know Dan didn't break 6.3k dd crit without warlock, wizard, and pain rune bonuses even though they don't specify max.
Glitch doesn't have the exact same wording on everything (if you read the repetitive procs on some lgs/epics you'll see the wordings are slightly different on some but same meaning.)
Last edited by Blaze; 03-30-2017 at 02:37 PM..
03-30-2017, 03:46 PM
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Yup im arguing just to argue. Clearly not stating that you are doing math on something that is not 100% known.
It may be max dmg, it may not be max dmg. Stating that x is better then y sure is accurate when using unknowns. The fact that some are max dmg, some are dmg ( and through people TESTING it) its found to increase max dmg, means that unless its been tested or acknowledged by glitch i assume its avg dmg unless its stated as max.
either way im done posting here, Fun days when people act like prissy 6 year olds.
03-30-2017, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Blaze
To quote someone in civil.. idr who.. 'as long as you get the meaning it's good enough'. idr who it was. Someone with horrible spelling.
This done did sounded lik sumptin id sayed here der dat once time.
03-30-2017, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Freakymagic
Yup im arguing just to argue. Clearly not stating that you are doing math on something that is not 100% known.
It may be max dmg, it may not be max dmg. Stating that x is better then y sure is accurate when using unknowns. The fact that some are max dmg, some are dmg ( and through people TESTING it) its found to increase max dmg, means that unless its been tested or acknowledged by glitch i assume its avg dmg unless its stated as max.
either way im done posting here, Fun days when people act like prissy 6 year olds.
It's cute how you ignore the things that would help prove me right. Alas' max damage is 3589 I guess? Wizard has same wording as dark knight so we can't count that. Spellbound Bp says extra damage not max so we'll throw that out. pain rune again not max damage.. and warlock is bonus damage. none of these say max damage so they don't affect my max :/ magically if we add them my max dd damage is 5344. when i've gotten 5.2k crits. I wonder why I assume it affects max damage.
You never did reply. How did dan get the 6.3k crit then? Wizard has the exact wording of Dk so if Dk doesn't take out Wizard.
Hell I can settle this easily. Blaze has all bm skills capped. He has t1 dragon gear. t2 ds bp. r6 rune. He is a dk bm. if we add all his bonuses except dk his max damage is 2608 (i'm including pain rune only leaving dk out). If we add dk his max damage is 2764. If i get any crit over 2608 I'll screenie it. I know for a fact i've hit higher than that before so gimme a couple hours depending on rng.
03-30-2017, 04:52 PM
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18 damage over my max. Not a lot but fact remains. Pic proves i'm not using a Devastation pot.
Last edited by Blaze; 03-30-2017 at 06:54 PM..
03-30-2017, 04:57 PM
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.t glitch sorry for swear in screenie <_< kept getting non crits x.x aside from sense fear area.
03-30-2017, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Blaze
Misinterprets is one word. Yes I tend to be annoyed when someone can't read.
Bollocks son, it's been well established that your spelling and grammar are atrocious when you don't have spellcheck and grammarcheck to underline your flaws. Feel free to fire this through the first grammar-check that shows up on google to verify though.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
You won't be warned again.
03-30-2017, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Enduir
Bollocks son, it's been well established that your spelling and grammar are atrocious when you don't have spellcheck and grammarcheck to underline your flaws. Feel free to fire this through the first grammar-check that shows up on google to verify though.
pfft. My spelling is impeccable. You're correct about the grammar though. idc much about proper sentence structure online. So you can say what you want about my grammar. There are only a handful of people in nod who are on my level for spelling though.
Last edited by Blaze; 03-31-2017 at 03:34 PM..
03-30-2017, 11:22 PM
Glitchless is offline
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A damage bonus without wording that specifies max or min affects both max and min.
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03-30-2017, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
A damage bonus without wording that specifies max or min affects both max and min.
ty for confirmation Glitch :{
All the bickering aside this makes original post correct and bms can go by it.
Last edited by Blaze; 03-30-2017 at 11:50 PM..
03-31-2017, 01:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Blaze
.t glitch sorry for swear in screenie <_< kept getting non crits x.x aside from sense fear area.
nobody would have noticed if you had not pointed it out. not me at least
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