Dynamic items
Old 03-24-2017, 06:14 PM   #1
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Default Dynamic items

So a long time ago epicurious was released and someone suggested that we could see the original accuracy and it was denied.

While similar, this is a little bit different.

Glitchless, while you are working on the updates for 2017, I'm hoping you could look into something.

Using the command line in Nod, input something like /equipinfo and it would provide you with your own URL with a load out page based on the equipment you have equipped at that time (updated only when /equipinfo is used or 24 hours, whichever is sooner, no more than 3 times per person per 30 mins or hour, or whatever Glitch prefers to limit server load).

Similar to stats on the skills page with the number based on your distribution in parenthesis, and the green/red number the total number including enchants and skills, the page would provide the same setup as your equipment page.
However, when hovering over your equipment it comes up as normal but with the original numbers in parenthesis, including accuracy, and outside it would provide all numbers after calculations, damage, delay, accuracy.
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Old 03-24-2017, 08:58 PM   #2
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