Counter to vamping
Old 03-23-2017, 10:28 AM   #1
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Default Counter to vamping

Everything has a counter except vamp. You can have 700 agi and it doesn't matter. If there is no way to counter something, it is broken.
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Old 03-23-2017, 12:12 PM   #2
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parry//dual parry and w/e +stuff and things
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Old 03-24-2017, 09:53 AM   #3
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Grey Shields, easy counter.

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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Atropos is correct.
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Old 03-24-2017, 11:51 AM   #4
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Meh. Shields are rather lacking. Setting aside the low #s for a 1v1 fight.. how many melee toons got the mana to keep casting 600 mana gems?

The best counter is miti. Sadly flesheaters go through miti so bms with vamp class like Darklords and Tsurguyb still get ~29% hp vamp (10% t1 conq quiver, 9% r6 rune, 10% 2nd class) even with their high damage. And if you don't got miti or regen they could switch to stalkers and reach ~45% vamp (8% or more per stalker), or just go to Tommies for more damage/vamp.

Melee with vamp is a bit lacking.
4 [Beastmaster] Darklords 96% 802/32
6 [Beastmaster] Tsurguyb 95% 962/49
31 [Vampire] Blackpanther 80% 2,164/528

Before anyone mentions the tiers on Tsur/Dark.. Bp is t5 on half his gear. He uses a prevent pouch vs casters. He has 71% vamp. (15% class, 15% steel fangs, 10% t3 stalker, 10% t3 stalker, 9% r6 rune, 12% t3 quiver). His tempers are mostly x7. 32% epic hp. Epic skills in the 90s. If vamp was really super op he'd be doing better than 80%. Vamp is only op uncounterable when it's Bms imo because you can't use miti... unless you're basically a caster shield gems are out of the question.. you can't rely on regen.. so that relies on trying to outvamp them. Good luck.

If there is a counter to vamp it'll suck for people like Bp so I don't really like the idea of it. On the other hand bms are op with it so :{ kinda expect Glitch to ignore this thread though.
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