Old 03-17-2017, 04:00 PM   #1
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Default Redeye

Now. I'm not exactly Redeye's biggest fan, but I feel like this is getting out of hand.

There are probably a dozen rumors about Redeye. I'm curious how many actually have substance though.

Some of the more famous rumors are:

1) Redeye and Smooth ripped Trojan off, which is why Trojan yanked all his toons (though he gave Saphirax back to Pallytothemaxx after).
Has Trojan ever confirmed this? Also, considering how much of a drama queen Trojan is, did he actually have any legendaries/tcs he said were missing? Did he in any way, shape, or form say what was taken? Did he provide any proof anything was taken?

2) Redeye took gems from Ryiah. (He admits he did borrow the gems, but Trojan gave the consent.)
As we all know Ryiah has been passed around like a cheap hooker. Everyone has had a turn. Trojan, Lilman, Redeye, Tsurguyb, Lightdrinker, likely Danielrox, and Billyrules, the list goes on and on. It's basically part of the Trojan army. Now this one actually has some substance. Redeye did take the gems (and returned them when Ryiah asked afaik). Trojan could have consented on it though. So Trojan may be in the wrong as well for loaning out other people's stuff. That's unknown though. It is unknown, but since Ryiah got the gems back when she asked doesn't seem like much of an issue either way.

3) Redeye scammed Brain.
Honestly this one is rather new. Only heard it once. Has Brain ever commented on anything being missing though? Afaik him and Redeye are still peacefully coexisting in Stats with no issues.

4) Redeye scammed Deathheadxxx.
This one seems completely false. Deathheadxxx has even said Redeye didn't do anything bad in LoOnY iirc.

Aside from 2) none of the rumors seem to actually have any proof or substance, and even for 2) there are possible circumstances behind it. I'm curious if anyone can lend weight to the argument saying Redeye is an untrustworthy scammer?

Again. I'm not really Redeye's fan.. but these rumors are starting to get out of hand. Are there additions to all these stories that I haven't heard that make other people believe them? Or are people just believing wild rumors with no proof? I'd be interested to hear thoughts from people on either side as personally... while Redeye may be annoying... he doesn't really strike me as a scammer.
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Old 03-17-2017, 04:14 PM   #2
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1) Trojan is the real con artist. Letting people sit his army and then only letting them take like 25% of earnings. Redeye had a lot to rant on about Trojan the other day, mentioning shady stuff that Trojan wanted him to do and such. I didn't take it seriously though.

2) I remember when the drama boiled in loony chat. But was ruled as misunderstanding by most people. He gave her a TC in compensation. Trojan shouldn't be loaning other people's toons and stuff. It's like renting an apartment that you don't own, and then the tenant rents out the same apartment and so on. Oh and Trojan was responsible for at least 90% of nod's toonsharing drama >_>

3) Redeye and Brain are both masters of Stats. If the issue was legit and serious, only one would be master, and the other demoted or kicked (depends on who beats who to the punch). Not worth gossiping about.

4) Heard nothing about this. Saw nothing from either parties that indicate any sort of trouble. All I know is that red sat death and death came back.

He isn't really a scammer, he's just opportunistic and willing to take advantage of any benefits without breaking too many rules. He may become that one annoying roommate who borrows your spray deoderant now and then but no malicious intent here.

P.S. Everything I said is based on what I know. I may very well be missing some details.
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Thank you for your feedback on what's been going on.
Old 03-20-2017, 11:01 AM   #3
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Default Thank you for your feedback on what's been going on.

Now all I can say is everyone I have sat or ever sat can vouch for me except trojan ofc.

I believe this rumor was started by someone's rage and jealousy which are how all false rumors start.

I have never been a scammer or ever will and I have proof. Along goes with smooth, he did nothing wrong but help me sit the trojan army while I was busy so please don't include him.

The only person I had a problem with was Trojan. I'm not getting myself banned so I won't shoot him down, but if it comes to the point I have screenies of everything he can possibly false accuse me of. Reason he did start rumors was because of the fact that I shot him down and blocked him on fb.

And if I did take Trojans stuff he would.
1. Not sell everything he has (which obviously show he still has his things.

2. He did tell me that since I'm not making enough "gold and tcs" for him he will let his toons rot and sell everything he has.

If further proof or details are needed I have screenshots of everything needed and as said before, I have sat can vouch for me.

But enough said, I'll let everyone I have sat say the rest. Thanks

Last edited by Redeye; 03-20-2017 at 11:04 AM..
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Old 03-20-2017, 11:22 AM   #4
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The most saddest part about this is that the community is so small, rumors can spread so quickly throughout the whole community without anyone thinking twice or asking for proof.

Like the brain rumor, cmon now it's common sense, we're both still masters of stats and running it. And has anyone even asked him or any of the people I sat?
I'm 100% sure that no one bothered and just believed the story.

I bet if someone spread a rumor that the game will end next week ppl would believe it (sadly). But I guess some people just believe everything they hear.

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Old 03-20-2017, 11:52 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Redeye
the game will end next week
Oh no!

Originally Posted by Glitchless
You won't be warned again.
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Old 03-20-2017, 12:34 PM   #6
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MY bad blaze didn't read all post u said just fast look over like I said in game...

But yeah there is no profess thet red has scammed some1 and I'm suer he hasn't ok Trojan is differtent story what ever I don't know about it... but yeah those who starts thes rumors and just yeah u know what... Ppl just cant live whit no drama in game

Last edited by Mandeath; 03-20-2017 at 04:08 PM..
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Old 03-20-2017, 01:21 PM   #7
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Red is not a scammer. He hasn't taken a single thing from me except my virginity. Lol jk on last part.
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Old 03-20-2017, 03:48 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Blaze
Now. I'm not exactly Redeye's biggest fan, but I feel like this is getting out of hand.

There are probably a dozen rumors about Redeye. I'm curious how many actually have substance though.

Some of the more famous rumors are:

1) Redeye and Smooth ripped Trojan off, which is why Trojan yanked all his toons (though he gave Saphirax back to Pallytothemaxx after).
Has Trojan ever confirmed this? Also, considering how much of a drama queen Trojan is, did he actually have any legendaries/tcs he said were missing? Did he in any way, shape, or form say what was taken? Did he provide any proof anything was taken?

2) Redeye took gems from Ryiah. (He admits he did borrow the gems, but Trojan gave the consent.)
As we all know Ryiah has been passed around like a cheap hooker. Everyone has had a turn. Trojan, Lilman, Redeye, Tsurguyb, Lightdrinker, likely Danielrox, and Billyrules, the list goes on and on. It's basically part of the Trojan army. Now this one actually has some substance. Redeye did take the gems (and returned them when Ryiah asked afaik). Trojan could have consented on it though. So Trojan may be in the wrong as well for loaning out other people's stuff. That's unknown though. It is unknown, but since Ryiah got the gems back when she asked doesn't seem like much of an issue either way.

3) Redeye scammed Brain.
Honestly this one is rather new. Only heard it once. Has Brain ever commented on anything being missing though? Afaik him and Redeye are still peacefully coexisting in Stats with no issues.

4) Redeye scammed Deathheadxxx.
This one seems completely false. Deathheadxxx has even said Redeye didn't do anything bad in LoOnY iirc.

Aside from 2) none of the rumors seem to actually have any proof or substance, and even for 2) there are possible circumstances behind it. I'm curious if anyone can lend weight to the argument saying Redeye is an untrustworthy scammer?

Again. I'm not really Redeye's fan.. but these rumors are starting to get out of hand. Are there additions to all these stories that I haven't heard that make other people believe them? Or are people just believing wild rumors with no proof? I'd be interested to hear thoughts from people on either side as personally... while Redeye may be annoying... he doesn't really strike me as a scammer.
Originally Posted by Mandeath
all I can say is blaze u are just person whit no real life to start something like this..... enjoying? I can vouch for redeye he have never scammed me since he was sitting my toons for abit and I actualy gained not like ppl here say he scammed me.. just end this BS talk and get over it blaze just a dumb thing to do from your side
Cba to argue with you. I'm supporting Redeye atm. Read better.

Last edited by Blaze; 03-20-2017 at 04:07 PM..
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Old 03-20-2017, 04:03 PM   #9
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today's life lesson: don't share your accounts without knowing the consequences
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Old 03-20-2017, 04:31 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Dawl
today's life lesson: don't share your accounts without knowing the consequences
Actually. The lesson here is
Don't believe everything you hear. Obviously no one has proof of me scamming and all who I have sat did vouch for me.

Whatever happens with me and toons I sit is my business. People shouldn't spread false rumors because they are just jealous or just dislike me.
I'm sorry but anyone who believes this and passes this on is just a dumb***.

You know this reminds me of those middle and elementary school rumors.

Last edited by Redeye; 03-20-2017 at 04:42 PM..
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Old 03-20-2017, 06:05 PM   #11
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just here to say redeye has sat some of my characters and i have never had any trouble of any kind and have ended up improved on a few chars that is all
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Old 03-20-2017, 06:59 PM   #12
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Thank you all for the support!

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Old 03-20-2017, 07:12 PM   #13
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Thank you for creating forums accounts for people who have long left the game!

maybe it is them seems extremely fishy thou

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Old 03-20-2017, 09:12 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by darklords
Thank you for creating forums accounts for people who have long left the game!

maybe it is them seems extremely fishy thou
*slow claps*
Yep good job! You caught me

I also went back in time to make hk and mandeath's forums. Better yet, I have 20 different IPs in 20 different states/countries. Explains everything really. And let see.. how many of the people I sat reported me or complained into forums? Umm none because I did nothing. If Trojan wants to falsely report me, by all means he can, but he for one doesn't care too much to bother, and he should know I have screenshots to back that up. Tyvm

Last edited by Redeye; 03-20-2017 at 10:19 PM..
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Old 03-21-2017, 06:08 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Dawl
today's life lesson: don't share your accounts without knowing the consequences
This is true! Dawl is teh true scammer
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Old 03-21-2017, 05:13 PM   #16
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You shared accounts pw. why not share forums pw's also?

Personally i dont give a flying elephant but w/e

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Old 03-21-2017, 05:43 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by darklords
You shared accounts pw. why not share forums pw's also?

Personally i dont give a flying elephant but w/e
Because I like to sit forum accounts.. duhhh..
I mean cmon have you really reached that low of stupidity?

Originally Posted by darklords
Personally i dont give a flying elephant but w/e
Then gtfo? Lol.
I'm sure you have something better to do.
Go nom more tcs.

Last edited by Redeye; 03-21-2017 at 05:48 PM..
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Old 03-21-2017, 05:51 PM   #18
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Resorting to insults? fair play must have hit a nerve. crack on with who's ever toon ur playing now.

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Old 03-21-2017, 06:04 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by darklords
Resorting to insults? fair play must have hit a nerve. crack on with who's ever toon ur playing now.
Thank you.
And honestly enough should be said about this thread. If I'm really scamming someone, they would have reported and posted here with screenies already.

Hope this thread helped solve the mystery. Grind out and nod on!

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Old 03-21-2017, 09:47 PM   #20
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First off get ur facts straight before u put my name in anything u say. I never ripped off anyone. Red lied on me to trojan to try to get his things back from him. I chose to stop sitting trojan toons bcuz he was being an azz.

Last edited by Smooth; 03-21-2017 at 09:51 PM..
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