Originally Posted by Blaze
eh. no one gave proof for the old rumors so they are cleared up mostly at least. >_> few of the forums accounts are shady tho.
hk's aside (was made in 2012 so i doubt redeye was making evil plots 5 years ago for today)
mandeath's is only 7 months (so again questions how long he woulda been plotting.. and considering i argued with real mandeath in game about post..) and xzero's was made this month :{ anywho. whether he created the forums accounts or not at least major ones are cleared up somewhat.
Can always do IP check, and xzero just made an acc to vouch for me, he doesn't go here much. Same with brain and deathhead who can vouch in pm. They don't go on forums at all.
And as I said b4, if there was anything going on there'd be a rant thread about me on forums already.