Procs added to t4+ Weapons
Old 03-14-2017, 11:43 AM   #1
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Default Procs added to t4+ Weapons

As iv seen this suggested multiple times in Civil. thought id suggest it here and try to make it fit with nod mechanics.

So as we all know it takes a stupid amount of gold to uptier weapons / bow / staffs so on so forth. alot of people feel the uptier amounts for the gold trade off is a bad trade when only gaining .5 - 1% after spending 160m+ which after doing multiple times i would agree with.

So id suggest after t4 of a weapon. we the user get a chance to add a proc of our own choosing to said weapons. to do this we simply take our weapon stick it in enchant rod and use 5 t30 mats. with 5 resins. This can be only done once but with an additional option of removing an Proc and adding a diffrent one? obliviously the % added to the proc would be for glitch to decide. and also would have to think of all the diffrent proc's there are and try to set what mats add which proc for example. t30 veggies add x amount % double hit chance. t30 wood x amount double cast chance. so forth.

This is just a base idea of what iv read from chat and put together in my mind.

Any idea's / suggestions / negative feedback welcomed.

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Old 03-14-2017, 11:46 AM   #2
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would be interesting. as long as glitch managed it well so it isn't broken could be cool.

i don't particularly support on one hand as some things are already so op, but on the other hand they just have a high base. for actual uptiering the cost vs effectiveness is kinda ew. even more so the higher you go in a lot of cases.

honestly expect this to be too big of a project and glitch to ignore though. sounds like a lot of programming. we'll see if he shows interest :{

Last edited by Blaze; 03-14-2017 at 01:58 PM..
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Old 03-14-2017, 01:37 PM   #3
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i actually support
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Old 03-14-2017, 03:04 PM   #4
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Blind proc on the tharki bow plox!

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Old 03-14-2017, 07:13 PM   #5
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adding procs could be like adding some sort of inscription into the said weapon. a variety of inscriptions could be out there adding bloodlets, poisons, blind, hit chance.... similar to runes really...

would be cool

omg i wanna sammich nao
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Old 03-15-2017, 07:38 PM   #6
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i'd go for a random second proc at a lower %
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Old 03-16-2017, 06:45 AM   #7
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Aka : I have high tier whips - buff me now ! I wanna be stronger and richer and more ahead that anyone else.

Honestly this is bad idea . Wallet warriors and people on top with all 8x tempers would be even more unbeatable .

Investing in gear is good but to some degree (at least pvp) your irl skills should make you victorious not what you buy.

I call it easy button for already rich and op players

A big NO , there is tons of more important things to do first.
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Old 03-16-2017, 02:10 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Joanna
I call it easy button for already rich and op players

A big NO , there is tons of more important things to do first.
I think the issue is that after t4, it comes down to effort>reward. He doesn't feel it's worth going higher if getting only a couple sprinkles on his ice cream is all he feels like he's getting. Even with all these high tiers, he still has to do something with all his time and money. So he continues uptiering.
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Old 03-16-2017, 02:42 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Soxson
I think the issue is that after t4, it comes down to effort>reward. He doesn't feel it's worth going higher if getting only a couple sprinkles on his ice cream is all he feels like he's getting. Even with all these high tiers, he still has to do something with all his time and money. So he continues uptiering.
hai. he got a whole 40 damage and his tommies are now 0.05 seconds faster! that's op.

Joanna is right it's just a make the strong even stronger, but 800m t6-t7 for such a pathetic boost. Let's not forget. That's talking about koks which are considered one of the best lgs uptier-wise. What does that mean for crappier lgs? *gets t8 demonblood ranseur*
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Old 03-16-2017, 03:30 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Joanna
Aka : I have high tier whips - buff me now ! I wanna be stronger and richer and more ahead that anyone else.

Honestly this is bad idea . Wallet warriors and people on top with all 8x tempers would be even more unbeatable .

Investing in gear is good but to some degree (at least pvp) your irl skills should make you victorious not what you buy.

I call it easy button for already rich and op players

A big NO , there is tons of more important things to do first.
What if it was S2 only?
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Old 03-17-2017, 10:51 AM   #11
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I thought Joanna quit... She made a whole thread about leaving, I don't think her input is valid here
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Old 03-17-2017, 11:10 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Joanna
Aka : I have high tier whips - buff me now ! I wanna be stronger and richer and more ahead that anyone else.

Honestly this is bad idea . Wallet warriors and people on top with all 8x tempers would be even more unbeatable .

Investing in gear is good but to some degree (at least pvp) your irl skills should make you victorious not what you buy.

I call it easy button for already rich and op players

A big NO , there is tons of more important things to do first.

What if they added an S2 buff in with this patch. Would you approve it then?
//  6753
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Old 03-17-2017, 12:05 PM   #13
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We believe the LG tiers in general are priced and powered appropriately.
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Old 03-17-2017, 12:39 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
We believe the LG tiers in general are priced and powered appropriately.
When you say 'we', who else are you referring to?
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Old 03-17-2017, 12:47 PM   #15
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I personally find the gold increase over the tiers out ways the gain. When you can get a potion that adds more % than 800m gold id say there is a major issue with the balance. 800m is 2.5k $ in tc terms. For a item which seems to have the BEST uptier rate. God help getting t8 armour suit with .5 gains.

It would also seem that instead of improving our current toons you would prefer us to work on creating alts. % should be increased with amount of gold spent not decreasing. Im looking at another 1.6b to go for a t8 kok regardless of what happens with this thread. However thats gonna be another year plus of endless farming. For another 1% to the proc seems a bit low. When relisticly with 1.6b I could create 10 alts with t1 gear mostlikely. Some ua dont like alts we have dreama of maxing t8 gear and currently I feel and im sure most other people even if its just t3 gear they have are kinda being screwed with high gold spent and no real increase to bonuses even miti users suffer because of the way the bonus is penalised

Broke 4k pet crit :O Buff BM nao!

Last edited by Darklords; 03-17-2017 at 12:57 PM..
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Old 03-17-2017, 01:12 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Soxson
When you say 'we', who else are you referring to?
You don't think all of Glitchless LLC is 1 person do you? :{ They don't watch civil chat 24/7, but no matter what time of day it is Glitch responds to the most major bugs. Such as stalking fix in middle of night. He deals with people worldwide so he likely has at least 1 person there to monitor the server and bug threads at all times. Epicbeasts also spawn at all hours. Unless Glitch has a way for it to spawn on a timer someone is there to send it out. Etc
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Old 03-17-2017, 01:36 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by darklords
I personally find the gold increase over the tiers out ways the gain. When you can get a potion that adds more % than 800m gold id say there is a major issue with the balance. 800m is 2.5k $ in tc terms. For a item which seems to have the BEST uptier rate. God help getting t8 armour suit with .5 gains.

It would also seem that instead of improving our current toons you would prefer us to work on creating alts. % should be increased with amount of gold spent not decreasing. Im looking at another 1.6b to go for a t8 kok regardless of what happens with this thread. However thats gonna be another year plus of endless farming. For another 1% to the proc seems a bit low. When relisticly with 1.6b I could create 10 alts with t1 gear mostlikely. Some ua dont like alts we have dreama of maxing t8 gear and currently I feel and im sure most other people even if its just t3 gear they have are kinda being screwed with high gold spent and no real increase to bonuses even miti users suffer because of the way the bonus is penalised
The whole argument stems from whether or not half a percent is considered significant. We think it is. Banks think it is. A 0.5% difference in an interest rate on a $300,000 home loan amortized over 30 years is a difference of $32,000. And even if your house is tier 3, it still probably doesn't proc anything other than a need for repairs.
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Old 03-17-2017, 03:00 PM   #18
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So your all for take advantage of the little guy. Just the same as all the banks in the world? .5% Isnt going to allow me to farm heroic fonr. Well maybe it may guess we will see in about 10 years. So in 30 years can I ask you for 32000?

Broke 4k pet crit :O Buff BM nao!
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Old 03-17-2017, 05:12 PM   #19
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I mean it can be interesting I guess, but it is kind of buff for too rich people already. I mean it could be a bit better if some other weapons were released or made equally op as some others are rather than further more make others strong. I know it would affect other weapons too, but most wouldn't bother upitiering it anyway since some are dominantly too strong
Originally Posted by Tale
thats prolly cuz u a blind serbian moron
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You'd be surprised how much Excellence helped me in arena, he carried me both seasons so I can't thank him enough for that
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ill admit ex is a real toon though... >_> god i'll never hear the end of my saying that

Last edited by Excellence; 03-17-2017 at 05:15 PM.. Reason: .
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Old 03-17-2017, 06:37 PM   #20
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Ok iv finally finished work and can type what iv already typed once and phone wiped whole message.

So as we all know uptiering is a way of increasing the potential of our current build.

if you was to craft a full lg suit your looking at a whooping 2.9 billion gold. another 30m if you decide to morph it after. if not your lookin at an additional 30m+ per time you was to morph item.

now to get to pets 1 t8 pet is 2.9b so 2x pets if you only need 2 for ur build is 5.8b but as most of us know most pets have different and proc's which make a huge differences to the outcome of certain fights. so multi pets are an option.

helkoks are a bms main source of weapon. as most bms will tell you. however as blaze noted on a previous thread. t1 - t5 is 45 damage per tier and delay is nearly 1.07% per tier. after tier 5. its goes to half that so 25 damage per tier and .535 delay (estimated) per tier (tommies are pets in question). so from t5 - t6 kok is 16 koks at 25m ea is 400m for 20 extra dps and .535 delay. t7 would be 800m for the same. asuming the % bonus stays the same for t8 it would be 1.6b to get yet another extra 25 damage and .535 delay increase.

so after spending 3.2b per kok your lookin at a diffrence of 275 damage and 5.4 delay. between a t1 kok and a t8 kok. you gain an additional 275 damage and 5.4 delay increase.

looking at the numbers like that seems in my mind extremely low 275 damage after T8 weapon wow im actually stunned and gutted at the same time. well i guess the 1 extra max dps my pets will get on uptier will make it so much more.

Now maybe some of you think this is oh iv got a t7 weapon and im unsatisfied i want more. its is the opposite of that. what our the main goals in nod? become a op crafter. an op pvper? an op farmer? well i personally think pvp sucks as does crafting. i generally enjoy putting music on or a couple movies and just sit chillin for hours at a time slaying mobs. does that mean i shouldnt upgrade my gear and expect to get a noticeable change in damage? or speed of kills.

after this upgrade i personally dont see no change to anything. and after spending 800m im personally left thinking to my self wtf is the point? i get once we get all t8 gear maybe them .5% will add up to being overpowered or unbalanced. but at the same time im left wondering whats after t8's. t9s with the same 1% uptier on koks? so spending another 3.2b to be left disappointing some more.

i get there is a fine line between most things with nod but lets highlight some other things also.

such as why does miti not stack the same as everyother proc in the game and some of it is lost on uptier. does that mean at t8 for miti users they gonna be gaining even less of a bonus? if so wow that does suck.

another question why does casters have the capability of 8% of doing critical hits with dd gems? 140 destruction skill. why doesnt bms get somthing of the same thing along with melee toons and others builds we all like to see big flashy numbers.

The Bm skill tree has been capped for over 2 years+ even after the promise of additional skills to come which im still waiting patiently to arrive. gheeze even at this point id rather have a legendary skill or somthing in the bm skill tree when i could just stock potential exp in till the skills are released.

I could go on and on but on the bright side after iv spent 20b+ gold on this build i guess them .5% will mean i might be able to farm heroic fonr or even arl. but in till then ill keep on grinding. i still think the balance for gold vs proc % is way out of line. obliviously we cant check other weapons as most have yet to been up tiered passed t4 and i dont think pets have passed t3 yet.

but glitch maybe if not now maybe this could be a possible idea for the long run?
as most of the feedback suggested its a good idea. adding unique features to each build.

Have a good evening. i will be emailing you in 30 years about that $32k.

*sings ***** better have my money!*

PS thanks blaze for help with meth!

Broke 4k pet crit :O Buff BM nao!
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