Old 03-17-2017, 10:48 PM   #21
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first off no to extra buffs. weaps are already op enough, and the really OP ones would just be even more OP. i suggested a idea to add runes to equips a while back, but it would be too difficult to do quickly, and after thinking about how the "balance" is now, it would just throw it more out of whack

now for some of your points:

Originally Posted by darklords
blah blah blah...so after spending 3.2b per kok your lookin at a diffrence of 275 damage and 5.4 delay...blah blah blah
don't forget, that's for BOTH pets, and the hastes also stack multiplicatively

Originally Posted by darklords
well i personally think pvp sucks
it does. no balance really at all, just hard counters, which is NOT balance...

Originally Posted by darklords
such as why does miti not stack the same as everyother proc in the game and some of it is lost on uptier. does that mean at t8 for miti users they gonna be gaining even less of a bonus? if so wow that does suck.
it does stack the same way as everything else...the only ones that don't stack like glitch's siggy are vamping and thefting. might be one more, balzetard will let you know.

Originally Posted by darklords
another question why does casters have the capability of 8% of doing critical hits with dd gems? 140 destruction skill. why doesnt bms get somthing of the same thing along with melee toons and others builds we all like to see big flashy numbers.
it's just 8% extra, but i get your point. remember gem crits are all x1.5 damage, pets are x3(dont forget wound!), 1h's are x2, and 2h's are x3 as well.

Originally Posted by darklords
The Bm skill tree has been capped for over 2 years+ even after the promise of additional skills to come which im still waiting patiently to arrive. gheeze even at this point id rather have a legendary skill or somthing in the bm skill tree when i could just stock potential exp in till the skills are released.
would love more skills, but they are hard to balance in. nevermind, just give them to us, balance is **** as is, might as well! (no offense glitch, but w/o nerfs, balance will never be balance...but i understand why you do things the way you do)

would also love nod to be HARD again...but...oh well
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Old 03-24-2017, 05:40 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by darklords
Ok iv finally finished work and can type what iv already typed once and phone wiped whole message.

So as we all know uptiering is a way of increasing the potential of our current build.

if you was to craft a full lg suit your looking at a whooping 2.9 billion gold. another 30m if you decide to morph it after. if not your lookin at an additional 30m+ per time you was to morph item.

now to get to pets 1 t8 pet is 2.9b so 2x pets if you only need 2 for ur build is 5.8b but as most of us know most pets have different and proc's which make a huge differences to the outcome of certain fights. so multi pets are an option.

helkoks are a bms main source of weapon. as most bms will tell you. however as blaze noted on a previous thread. t1 - t5 is 45 damage per tier and delay is nearly 1.07% per tier. after tier 5. its goes to half that so 25 damage per tier and .535 delay (estimated) per tier (tommies are pets in question). so from t5 - t6 kok is 16 koks at 25m ea is 400m for 20 extra dps and .535 delay. t7 would be 800m for the same. asuming the % bonus stays the same for t8 it would be 1.6b to get yet another extra 25 damage and .535 delay increase.

so after spending 3.2b per kok your lookin at a diffrence of 275 damage and 5.4 delay. between a t1 kok and a t8 kok. you gain an additional 275 damage and 5.4 delay increase.

looking at the numbers like that seems in my mind extremely low 275 damage after T8 weapon wow im actually stunned and gutted at the same time. well i guess the 1 extra max dps my pets will get on uptier will make it so much more.

Now maybe some of you think this is oh iv got a t7 weapon and im unsatisfied i want more. its is the opposite of that. what our the main goals in nod? become a op crafter. an op pvper? an op farmer? well i personally think pvp sucks as does crafting. i generally enjoy putting music on or a couple movies and just sit chillin for hours at a time slaying mobs. does that mean i shouldnt upgrade my gear and expect to get a noticeable change in damage? or speed of kills.

after this upgrade i personally dont see no change to anything. and after spending 800m im personally left thinking to my self wtf is the point? i get once we get all t8 gear maybe them .5% will add up to being overpowered or unbalanced. but at the same time im left wondering whats after t8's. t9s with the same 1% uptier on koks? so spending another 3.2b to be left disappointing some more.

i get there is a fine line between most things with nod but lets highlight some other things also.

such as why does miti not stack the same as everyother proc in the game and some of it is lost on uptier. does that mean at t8 for miti users they gonna be gaining even less of a bonus? if so wow that does suck.

another question why does casters have the capability of 8% of doing critical hits with dd gems? 140 destruction skill. why doesnt bms get somthing of the same thing along with melee toons and others builds we all like to see big flashy numbers.

The Bm skill tree has been capped for over 2 years+ even after the promise of additional skills to come which im still waiting patiently to arrive. gheeze even at this point id rather have a legendary skill or somthing in the bm skill tree when i could just stock potential exp in till the skills are released.

I could go on and on but on the bright side after iv spent 20b+ gold on this build i guess them .5% will mean i might be able to farm heroic fonr or even arl. but in till then ill keep on grinding. i still think the balance for gold vs proc % is way out of line. obliviously we cant check other weapons as most have yet to been up tiered passed t4 and i dont think pets have passed t3 yet.

but glitch maybe if not now maybe this could be a possible idea for the long run?
as most of the feedback suggested its a good idea. adding unique features to each build.

Have a good evening. i will be emailing you in 30 years about that $32k.

*sings ***** better have my money!*

PS thanks blaze for help with meth!
To be fair, all that damage was calculated based on t1 everything with no class bonus to STALKERS.
You'd get significantly more damage per uptier than what you quoted from Blaze.

Here's going from what you have:
3594(4457 with BM bonus)

To 1 t8 koks
3652(4528 with BM bonus)

That's 58 damage total, or 29 damage per 1%.

Now mind you, that's without whip/bow&arrow damage or the bleeds that would stack. That's just your max damage. That's not including sustain from heals, or how much faster you'd attack.

Yes, it is a seemingly small amount compared to the gold you'd be spending, but still more than what you're quoting.

You also could get that damage increase from raising your t5 kok to t6 for far less gold, and use the left over gold for armor.

Last edited by Turkeygoesmoo; 03-24-2017 at 05:59 PM.. Reason: maths r hrd
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Old 03-24-2017, 05:42 PM   #23
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Your meth is wrong

Broke 4k pet crit :O Buff BM nao!
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Old 03-24-2017, 06:45 PM   #24
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92 damage for dl's t2 tommies.
100 taming 100% bonus = x2
100 stalking 100% bonus = x2
Bm Prim class 24% bonus = x1.24
stats 50% bonus =x1.5
crit 50% bonus = x1.5
ferocity 25% bonus = x1.25
r5 rabid 50% bonus = x1.5
r6 pain 9% bonus = x1.09
t4 dt leg 6.5% bonus = x1.065
t4 dt leg 6.5% bonus = x1.065
t7 dt sleeve 6.5% bonus = x1.065
t5 dt sleeves 5.5% bonus = x1.055
t4 ds bp 12% bonus = x1.12
t7 kok 22% bonus = x1.22
t5 kok 20% bonus = x1.20

Comes to 4384.70. Mind showing your math on how a stalker has higher max than a tommy with Dl's bonuses? Idk what bonuses you used so maybe your stuff was higher tier. He autoattacks if you added fateseal. He's vamp second if you added dk second.

With all those bonuses but changing the t7 kok to 23% for t8 we reach 4420.64 (4421). 35.9 damage increase on tommy which rounds up to 36.

On t1 stalkers I get 3574.48 (3575) t7 and 3603.77 (3604) with t8. 29.29 bonus diff which rounds down to 29 :{

My math may be wrong. Just curious the numbers you ran.
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Old 03-24-2017, 06:57 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Blaze
92 damage for dl's t2 tommies.
100 taming 100% bonus = x2
100 stalking 100% bonus = x2
Bm Prim class 24% bonus = x1.24
stats 50% bonus =x1.5
crit 50% bonus = x1.5
ferocity 25% bonus = x1.25
r5 rabid 50% bonus = x1.5
r6 pain 9% bonus = x1.09
t4 dt leg 6.5% bonus = x1.065
t4 dt leg 6.5% bonus = x1.065
t7 dt sleeve 6.5% bonus = x1.065
t5 dt sleeves 5.5% bonus = x1.055
t4 ds bp 12% bonus = x1.12
t7 kok 22% bonus = x1.22
t5 kok 20% bonus = x1.20

Comes to 4384.70. Mind showing your math on how a stalker has higher max than a tommy with Dl's bonuses? Idk what bonuses you used so maybe your stuff was higher tier. He autoattacks if you added fateseal. He's vamp second if you added dk second.

With all those bonuses but changing the t7 kok to 23% for t8 we reach 4420.64 (4421). 35.9 damage increase on tommy which rounds up to 36.

On t1 stalkers I get 3574.48 (3575) t7 and 3603.77 (3604) with t8. 29.29 bonus diff which rounds down to 29 :{

My math may be wrong. Just curious the numbers you ran.
Daer's site
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Old 03-24-2017, 07:07 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Turkeygoesmoo
Daer's site
Don't use daer's site for koks past t6. t7 and t8 koks still give 2% bonus on his site. He only adjusted t6 koks to 1%. His site's math uses same formula as mine only mine isn't programmed with wrong % :{

Last edited by Blaze; 03-24-2017 at 07:10 PM..
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Old 03-25-2017, 12:10 AM   #27
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Also agree that more dps isn't the way forward, especially with regard to those items whose procs are already ridiculous.

Always for some balancing too. It's a shame nerfs of any kind are always met with mass forum hysteria, and people crying that they deserve a refund for an electronic item that holds no formal value. Anyway, +1 to what the Wizard said.
Originally Posted by danielrox
omg i tiered my lod to t2 then to t3 but it gave me smaller? can i plz get a new one that works or a full refund in cash? ty in advance
Originally Posted by Turkeygoesmoo
Soxson gave Magic Johnson AIDS

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