Originally Posted by Blaze
prolly gonna regret this post.
some are indeed op, but without them... the builds are dead.
What a great solution to a problem. This item is so op everyone is using/doing it (double cast dd/dot for example). Lets make something even more broken for a different class so everyone goes and uses that instead. So to make builds not "dead" your solution is to make the current "op why isent everyone using it" builds... dead.
As to whats good/viable in arena... honestly most people dont have a brain and are unwilling to spend millions of gold to try new builds. Everyone said/says melee has no dmg and is terrible pvp, what team won arena last 3v3? Oh yea a melee dps team (with healer/tank). As to the doters, your right, not everything can beat every other build (there are ways to shut down bms btw) so yea, doters suck against healer, good thing every toon is a top tier healer... o wait there are 5? top tier healers who are semi active for arena?
As to the passive aggressive " feel free to suggest other then criticize" comment.
Most of the ideas are likely not the best, Idea is not the procs themselves but to try and think up of DIFFERENT procs to give more variety to bland cookie cutter procs we have now. I do like the idea of adding crit chance and dmg that stormy said.
1h melee item (any really)
you have a 10% increased chance to resist gems, you take 10% more physical (melee, archer, pets) dmg (vice versa as well ( 10% reduction from physical dmg but 10% less likely to resist a gem))
2 handed crusher
On striking an enemy you have a 5%? chance to cast an unresistable quake on enemy team ( iirc its quake, gem to remove stoics in play) ( by itself kind of a mediocre proc so probably add some hit % as well, same style of proc could be added to a bow to remove anti blind auras)
This pet is a pacifist, instead of attacking you enemies it converts (to lazy to do the maths so idk what would be fair but not op, say 50%, more for the different style of proc then the exact %) of the increased dmg from skills for pets to your whips instead, as well as giving you 5% extra chance to hit with attacks.
2 handed slasher
Has a 25% chance to increase the dmg boost from dice by 10%
any melee weapon really
This weapon is the epitome of death, Deathblow will take effect on enemies below 30% when struck by this weapon
1 handed piercer
This weapon is the bane of shield users, when blocked it will still do 20% dmg to target