How silk drops works?
Old 01-16-2017, 06:54 AM   #1
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Default How silk drops works?

This is actually a real quastion as nothing make sense anymore.

Yesterday I was farming pit (38 kills) as I have 11% for double silk . Got 4 drops no double. Of course no single rare drops .

I made an alt and start to kill mobs and silks was pooping like crazy every other kill

So this is a real questions (no trolling):

1. Does silk drop chance decrease with monster level ?
2. Does silk drops are related to amount of trophies you getting (more stacks =more chances)
3. Does silk is more common in specific zones ? Such it's easier to find some in forest and harder in mountains ? (Similar to woodcutting where must be a trees of course to even be able to do minigame)

I'm willing to burn all rrt to find some before week ends to build LG and put tempers on it.

Any hints and guides than increase my chances will be greatly appreciated.

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Old 01-16-2017, 09:24 AM   #2
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Silk and potion drops are a small chance for every trophy you get.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
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Old 01-16-2017, 09:33 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Silk and potion drops are a small chance for every trophy you get.

Thank you for making it clear.
It must be indeed small chance as 24-28 stacks per kill can keep you dry for 10 kills.

There comes a suggestion:

Maybe a skill that increasing this small chance ?

At some point trophies are not as important and I assume silk replaces them.

I'll gladly raise such skill and go for monster kills instead farming bosses .

Some people hate silk drops and they will have an option simply not to raise it.

Any chance for it to happen ?
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Old 01-16-2017, 10:56 AM   #4
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30 is considered the minimum sample size to infer statistical significance. Short of a sample size of 30 any inference based on the data set would be speculative.

Or to put it another way. Randomness is random.
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Old 01-16-2017, 11:19 AM   #5
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Let me ask big boys that farm high zones:

How many stacks monster need to drop to get silk in most of the fights ?

Trying to give "small" approx. value
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Old 01-16-2017, 11:54 AM   #6
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Given the fact that I just got 84 T26 silks dropped in GS, Gob Swamp to be extremely precise, with no silk bonus, no plunder rune and a lame level in plunderfield, and roughly 1700 trophies dropped before this, it doesn't seem to be any... pattern... since I have farmed GS for ever and a day and haven't gotten diddly squat before then I had them days (before hot zones) that I dropped even 2 stacks of T25+ silks.

Like most said, randomness is random...

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Old 01-16-2017, 12:27 PM   #7
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I usually get a silk drop 2/3rds of the time when I farm Forest of No Return. I have 100 BGT and average 1500 trophies per kill. My spider trapping is currently 18.
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Old 01-16-2017, 12:49 PM   #8
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Forgot about plunder rune...

If I get it right :
If chance of silk drop is 2% per stack (let's say it is) and I wear ru e of plunder 6%....

Does it means chance per stack is almost 8% now and there is a roll for each stack? Or is it 6% chance that anything will be blended in between trophies ?

That's tricky one
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Old 01-16-2017, 12:51 PM   #9
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Here's my suggestion, only Joanna's account gets her silk drop changed back to the original method of silk drops.
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Old 01-17-2017, 06:43 AM   #10
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I did massive farming in high zones yesterday with 30-40 stacks drop per monster.

I roughly farmed 100 000 trophies and got 1 silk drop.

Went to sandy beach and got 2 drops in 4 fights . That's 1 silk stack next to single stack of trophies.

You would think that 1000 chances should in theory get you more than 4 stacks but either I experience extreme bad luck , get trolled by game or there is bug with my characters.

N lake , dmv or GS drops silks fine but anything red woods+ is dead end.

I'm giving up at this point as it is too funny already...
So whatever - you trolls can have your laugh but I'm convinced based on long testing that its broken for me.

PS. It's maybe a bug similar to this like certain toons received double adventuring exp and some not. Clearly it's something odd about mine.
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Old 01-17-2017, 07:52 AM   #11
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So before s2 was started, the silk drop chance was much higher. We were getting silks all the time (not necessarily rares mind you) so with enough complaining the powers that be reduced the drop chance for silks to shut them up. Now here comes s2 with fewer people farming and same small drop chance on silks. Personally I say keep the drop chance as it is, and just farm more. Randomness is random. Don't assume everything is a bug just because YOU personally don't get what you want. I personally prefer to play s2 now over s1 BECAUSE it is harder to get things. I like the challenges that the small player base brings.

If indeed the silk drop chances are based on trophy drops, then you (as a pk cuz yes I know how your actual toon is in game) are already getting MORE trophies per fight and therefore have a higher chance of finding silks just as a player on boon would. This game is not and hopefully never will be designed for the player that wants to be all powerful from day 1 or 2. You have to work for what you want (and even more so on s2!).

My personal advice is just STFU and keep grinding. You will get where you want to be eventually.

P.S. Ugly is correct that 30 is the bare minimum for giving any statistical significance. Your 38 kills in pit barely covers that. Farm a few hundred and you will have a much better idea what is going on.
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Old 01-17-2017, 09:16 AM   #12
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The 38 was couple days ago - yesterday I did much larger batch as people suggest. Same result.
When I play alt that have different email silk drops every other mob constantly.

So yes , you might be right I'll just stop posting and try to grab on something else that is working for me.

It just bothers me that Glitchless said it's trophy based and I experience exact opposite. 2-3 stack drops gets me way more silk than 30-40 stack drops.

Yes , I can work around it and stick to low zones and that's what I'll do.

Sorry everyone for making a big deal out of it but I'm perfectionist and when something is off it bothers me.

*case closed unsolved*
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Old 01-19-2017, 10:13 AM   #13
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Since I got help from few people with this , that include some good folks from S1 I collected large data that brings clear conclusion:

Silk has small chance to drop when trophies are detected but number of trophies has very little to none impact to it.

Average drop/kills stays within range for every zone starting from zone 1 ending on high end zones.

The "lizard brain" makes people (and myself) believed that lower zones are more rewarding than high ones.

It's because kills takes longer and interwals between drops are much longer so matter of perception - yet chance per kill remains the same.

The only upside to high zone for silk hunters would be there is a slim chance a high end rare may drop while zones n-lake -GS seem to be limited to mid tier rares.

So for all silk hunters out there : it's better to kill 3 mobs dropping x stacks than 1 mob dropping 3x stacks.
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Old 01-19-2017, 02:19 PM   #14
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Thumbs down

According to one of experienced S1 player:

"Don't Sweat It Too Much . You Both Right. All Blacks Drops Same Amount Of Stacks And This Is How Code Works. It's Taking To Account "Base" Number Of Stacks And Not Final Multiplied By BGT And Plunderfiend"

That I think explains it very well.

Glitchless if you read this:

Does rolls occurring on stacks before or after BGT/Plunder kicks in ?

That would make huge difference .

Judging on how silk never can be seen on first row on large number of stacks drops it's self explanatory.
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Old 01-21-2017, 02:19 AM   #15
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We don't give exact formulas for drops. There is a relationship between trophies and silks is all we'll say. You'll have to test for yourself and farm accordingly.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
P(a or b ... or z) = 1 - P(!a and !b ... and !z)
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Old 01-21-2017, 07:57 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
We don't give exact formulas for drops. There is a relationship between trophies and silks is all we'll say. You'll have to test for yourself and farm accordingly.
Fair enough , you answered my question (in between lines) Thank You .
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