Silk and hot zone
Old 01-11-2017, 01:02 PM   #1
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Default Silk and hot zone

All bonuses are cool and I saw them all except double silk.

I would suggest a small change to silk related bonus.

Currently (at least for me) silk drops occur less frequent than gold rushes and happen to roughly every 15-20 mobs.

With aprox. 10% bonus you would need (in theory) kill 150 mobs to trigger it once which if you farm fairly high zones it's impossible (given you use 2 daily rrt during bonus)

How about + ~10% chance for silk to drop ?

Silk is widely used in large quantities and sadly most used is t30 (especially in developing s2) which drops on server few times a year. Rares are imo a bit too rare given you need to kill multiple monsters in order to get a drop.

Alternate "silk rich" zone would be perfect for those (literally majority) who seek this precious resource
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Old 01-11-2017, 08:07 PM   #2
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Subject: sounds kinky
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Old 01-12-2017, 06:29 AM   #3
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I have seen the double silk message approximately 10 times since hot zones showed up. And by "seen it" I mean in combat, I have gotten double silks in an area where I had the bonus. Granted, the double silks I got were never higher than T12 but... still... and my highest was a 7% double silk chance. While I agree 100% with you that silks, especially high tier ones are a pain to find, the bonuses don't mean that you will find them every fight or even every 150 fights. From what I understand of nod probability is that you have x% chance for YY to happen in that spot, at that mob fight at that time and it resets to the next spot/mob/time. I wish you good luck in finding the silks but I do believe that them bonuses are working as they should

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Old 01-12-2017, 10:10 AM   #4
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Hmmm i didnt express myself correctly.

Let's try again :
High tier silk could be found in high zones (with lots of luck involved). Low zones with fast kills yeld silks that not qualifies to be uptiered to t30.

What I'm trying to suggest there should be a way to improve high tier silk gains. High zones= long fights and less chances for silk to drop so maybe a buff to silk drop in general in high level zones opposed to double silk chance or both ?

If I wanna get high tier resource I know I need to work hard to raise my skill , go heroic , get compass and epic tool.

It would be great if we have a way to work towards increased silk gains other than spider trapping that do not make it drop any more often
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Old 01-12-2017, 10:38 AM   #5
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Certain zone bonuses are inherently less valuable than others. We've accounted for this somewhat by increasing the change of the bonus. The silk bonus can be much higher than a gold rush bonus.
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Old 01-12-2017, 01:01 PM   #6
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Ok then , I'll gladly test it out and provide results once I receive silk bonus to farmable zone (n-lake to pit let's say)

My focus remains on silk as I'm hoping to craft some items to put tempers on it , yet no single t30 silk available atm

I just hope it's in par with other resources - 24/34 + per item scares me a bit but ...finger crossed.

I wasn't aware that value of silk related bonuses were increased - again looking forward to test it out
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Old 01-12-2017, 03:46 PM   #7
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Just to be clear, what was meant is that whereas a goldrush bonus will range between 1 and 10%, a silk bonus could be as high as 20%. The value is clear to see, there's no hidden bonus that requires extra testing.
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Old 01-14-2017, 09:20 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Just to be clear, what was meant is that whereas a goldrush bonus will range between 1 and 10%, a silk bonus could be as high as 20%. The value is clear to see, there's no hidden bonus that requires extra testing.
Let me be clear myself as well as I was talking about base chance not bonus.

I did 20 fights in Red woods on 2 characters (I know its small test) and got 3 GR on one and 2 GR on other toon.

If it comes to silk I got 1 stack of t9 on one and 0 on other

Gold chest occurs at ~95% chance + 10% bonus for rush from skill and +10% possible from hot zone bonus makes it roughly more or less 18-19% to get one

Silk base drop chance (no idea but from observations its 5-10% - 5% from my little test)

if we take higher value_10% base drop chance +0% double drop from skills + 20% possible from hot zones we got 2% of double silk chance to occur per kill

Summary for event to occur each kill:

GR : up to ~19% or every 5 kills
Double silk: ~2% or every 50 kills

IMO silk should drop every time when 15+ stacks of trophies drop or some way to increase drop rate should be introduce
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Old 01-14-2017, 12:31 PM   #9
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The number of fights you did is too small to have any statistical significance.

1000 fights, then yes, but 20 means nothing. You could feasibly get 4 or 5 GRs in that number of fights, or 4 or 5 gold chest fails. The same applies to silk drops, heroic essences, etc.
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Old 01-15-2017, 02:01 PM   #10
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Well, since S2 is up well ahead of S1, this would be a perfect time to adequately get your silk drop!
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Old 01-16-2017, 12:22 PM   #11
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*votes for change double silk drop chance to just silk drop chance....
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