Re Queue
I think I have this mentioned once elsewhere, but can't remember - so here it is.
Currently when an arena match is over, we are just returned to last location all healed.
There could be a step added after a match akin to a looting step. All other combats - mobs, duels, cb's, etc - have a looting stage. In this instance it would work in much the same fashion except finding the chest (or now a medal?) would put you back in queue. Simply hitting the exit button (please offset this to diff spot due to our awesome ability of muscle memory/'ooh a button *pokes*) will not re-Queue you. The original way of queuing can stay in place unchanged for when this 'looting' phase has been exited or timed out.
I didn't figure that this would be effective to mention mid season, but do think it can apply to any arena format. Once all three(or 2 or one >,>) on a team have all queued via 'looting' or original way then team is in queue.
I've not come up with a fair name this step, but maybe "yay, I didn't forget to re-queue for 20 minutes!!"