The Ideas Lists
Originally Posted by Glitchless;
Here is a list of good ideas that are already being considered for future additions. It's a good idea to check this list before submitting ideas to make sure your specific idea is not already planned:
-Public player profile pages
-Public clan profile pages
-Many more skills
-Downloadable version of the client w/ graphics pack
-Offline auctioning
-Spectating others' combat
-Periodic Random Competitive Quests
-Mounts for faster travel
-A PvP Arena System or Monthly competitions with in-game rewards or real cash prizes. These competitions will likely involve 1v1 and 3v3 combat.
-Clan battles where clans will compete in brawls of up to 30 vs 30 players.
-The ability to change your chat color
-Consumable Combat Buff Potions
-Class specific combat skills
-Epic Damage Gems
-Tops Lists
-Clan War
-PK Blending
-Player info on mouseover of their face
-Loot Interruption Safeguard
-Offline Messaging
-Stat distribution reset
-Lucidity Gems (anti daze)
-View group members mana/energy
-Viewing others' equipment
-Split chat into multiple windows
-Offline buddy list manipulation
-Password changing
-Friend and enemy gems shown in combat
-Referal System w/ Time Card rewards
-Auction sorting
-Group Images on Paper Map
-Civil Moderation
In regards of this thread... First of all i want to congratulate you guys for all the work that has been done to the game so far, it makes Nodiatis the game it is thanks to the constant care of patches and additions.
In a more specific topic, i would like to point to one specific thing that i would love to see or at least to know if it will happen and when or how can we make this happen...and yes... is the one thing that i turned green in the quote... Combat spectating , i mean if there is something to focus and spoil in Nodiatis is its great VS or PvP system...
I honestly believe that if we invest some time and work on the arena and the option of watching them and perhaps a betting system etc, Nodiatis would keep us alive forever and vice-verse.
Any ETA on when or if is still on the plans ( which btw this list could take a bump from you since you have done many things from here already, too.) I/We would really appreciate it.